Sapio the Series by Lala Barnard - HTML preview

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Garment Glory


If only I could stitch together

Your expectations of me

Into a quilt of judgement

To hide my shame

To warm my flesh

From the chilling anxiety

Of failing you


But it doesn’t quite work that way, now does it?


But you call that support

You call that helpful

You feel entitled

To the fruits of my labour

Rushing to make it into a salad

And feast off my success

Or the be entertained by my fall


But you did not starve with me.

You played hide and seek

When I was in need

You had a thousand excuses

All synonymous to the word No.


But I’m expected to remember you

When I was forgotten

I’m expected to carry you

When I had no rope

To guide my climb


And then give you the key

To the profound secret

To achieve



Cute indeed


Until you so-called concern

Can fill the dragged imprints

In the soil

Made by my limping walk

Toward a better life

Do not expect to cash in on my smile

Or rest in the green of my pastures


Should I ever return to your place of comfort

That bars were my nightmare

Know that I have not come to say hi

I’ll greet you in the name of Freedom

And return your shackles of hatred

That once fueled my mission to become more

And now that I am more

I wave away the stench of your bitterness

And throw over your quilt of judgement

To hopefully warm your cold shoulder

And hardened frown.


I am more. I am so much more.