Sapio the Series by Lala Barnard - HTML preview

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Me, Myself & Why


My thoughts hide behind the blasting music

 But are sometimes too quiet to ignore

 Like a stream of light in the midst of a storm

 Even the gushing wind calms when it passes through

 I’m reminded that the truth never screams to make itself known

 It’s the hum of disappointment you’d rather trade for a beating

 From the parent figure you put on a pedestal

 It’s the splinter digging in your heel with each step

 That your nails are never long enough to pull out

 It stares back at you as you stare at the blankness of the ceiling

 Before you shut your eyes ending off yet another day

 Being anything but yourself

 To make it in a world that has no room for you

 I’d like to blame the system, the façade of equality and freedom

 Or the endless days of working to use my magic

 And turn sheets into coins

 And see another month through


 My struggle is more personal than that

 My hell is freezing

 And the road to it was paved with the expectations

 Of people who used the thread of my safety net

 To sew a blanket of selfishness

 And warm their pride from the frostbite of their regret

 And when wrapped tight

 They call my fall cinematic

 As the streets crush my bones like popcorn buttered with naiveté

 It makes me wish my only weakness was kryptonite

 And that my enemy was too busy planning to ruin the world

 Than to notice mine

 But no

 There’s no superhuman formula against failure for us

 Your worst enemy is you and everything else

 Your greatest hero is you and everything else

 But it will never be all about you, will it?