Stones Before The Ocean | A Worship Poetry Anthology by Various - Edited by Daniel Paul Gilbert - HTML preview

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Good Friday - Digby Mackworth Dolben


Was it a dream-the outline of that Face,

Which seemed to lighten from the Holy Place,

Meeting all want, fulfilling all desire?

A dream-the music of that Voice most sweet,

Which seemed to rise above the chanting choir?

A dream-the treadings of those wounded Feet,

Pacing about the Altar still and slow?

Illusion-all I thought to love and know?


Strong Sorrow-wrestler of Mount Calvary,

Speak through the blackness of Thine Agony,

Say, have I ever known Thee? answer me!

Speak, Merciful and Mighty, lifted up

To draw those to Thee who have power to will

The roseate Baptism, and the bitter Cup,

The Royal Graces of the Cross-crowned Hill.


Terrible Golgotha-among the bones

Which whiten thee, as thick as splintered stones

Where headlong rocks have crushed themselves away,

I stumble on-Is it too dark to pray?