The Hour of the Blue Man by Theodora Oniceanu - HTML preview

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In the memory of my father.

The Hour


The Blue Man


Theodora Oniceanu





Spirits grow high,

His paintings catch the feelings

Of the mighty believers

Who died, for their lands.

Heroes are meant to be used

For a second rent

.In peace.


They’ll find

In the end.

Black Thorn of mine!

Where can I find

The rest for your spirit,

The growth of my humble existence,

The growth of this self of mine,

Requesting for learning and fun?

Mirror-Man Mask

Inside your thoughts 

She found two rods 

Of blooming love with ruby thorns

born out of bloods’


They’re spiralling out his twisted eyes

While shadows keep their haunting down,


Two candles light three windows up!

The church behind is bleeding out

The history of your Mighty God.

Beg Light!

Your thoughts, inside they matter,

Your feelings will be higher,

For her you matter.

Out of three twisted visions

Their eyes see clearer and clearer:

As shadows of black and white,


Break free,

Our spiralled thoughts light candles of hope

In hearts ready to embrace you.

Your thoughts inside-out worn,

The church behind bleeding


the history of your Mighty God.

Beg Light!

Looking for Significance: Traces of Crayons and Paint on the Wall

Voyaging scratches

Get-up from your feet,

You’re offering life with every move you make!

You’re giving a lifestyle

Imagined so far

By an elated spirit and a powerful mind!

There’s green and there are blues,

The crayons tell the news of some crimson, reds,

magenta-pink and yellows

Fulfilling all their dreams;

An orange finds some yellows,

the ochre pales near you,

The white of whites,

The sorrow, of all fine hypocrites.

It’s black, the great reunion

Of all those who have known

About your aching moment,

One sorrow to be born

To offer hopes and dreams,

Religions and great meanings,


To cold sharp steels;

One sorrow,

Crayon peels.

The paint in painting feels!


KDS : Work on A Mess

Textures scratching down the wall

Of a basement, deep and tall;

Sinking down the couch while writing,

Moments passing by while fighting,

Mirror windows on the screen

Of my minds sewing machine.

Every foot sings marching lounge,

Music stops forgiving signs;

Smiles of shadows crying up,

Lights on spirals show full cup

Of Swayilence.

Touch my mind with sweet bee thoughts

Of smiles sitting down our throats;

Watch through bottles’ emptied gold:

Separation of The Bold

- from the wicked -

Human feelings lie their hopes

On our perfumed book of notes.

Now I see the work on a mess

In great need of a caress.


Wild Flights across Forever

Another day, another drawing,

Seeing roads across forever...


Living fever

Keeps us calm while chasing

The Love of Sun!

~ We all run! ~

Day for nights and nights for hollow


working for another pair

of students.

Schooling’s finally over!

They can play!

Ever thought of stopping to stare instead of posing?

Beware for he is staring!

Days and nights of dances and poses,

He studies, she writes;

Twisted minds trade places for places _

He draws she dies.

Lights make contours appear: interpreting a star’s shine she descends,

He follows her,

She studies, he dies.

Another day, a different drawing style,

She makes progression happen,

He poses, she dances, horses run like wild.

Ever thought of stopping to stare instead of posing?

Beware for he is staring!

City States of Mind

In a moment thought too weak

Tears of coffee light and sweet

Shown on trees, caressing sun,

Loving creatures touched my arm.

Bitter flavours reached my soul

Place for heavy coloured whole

That’s myself playing more roles

Looking straight into the holes

Of these buildings in my world

Real or not? Perspective’s call!

Worshiped memory of love

Breaking mirrors to find hope.

Light all cast upon this story

Made me feel I touched true glory!

In my head, I heard some flight

Paced in beatings of a heart

That’s not mine! You offered it

So, I can live happily!

“Many thanks” sounds awfully fake

So, I’d better go create!

A Place to Remember

Darkness was cruel

With callow attempts

To show some protection,

Keep history safe...

From callous decisions

They make to forget

All human corrections

Of what was to end.

You’re into the light now,

You’re gaining your faith!

Remember though, dearest:

That Darkness was safe!

So, Darkness was cruel,

Their callow attempts - only pale

And human corrections

Of what was to end, only callous.

A place for myself to change

Those things I am so afraid of living,

The ugliness I don’t want to believe in!

A place to remember.

Oh, Darkness was cruel, their callous attempts

Of showing protection,

Keep history safe,

In shape,

All ruined.

And human corrections in need for directions

To find a new truth;

One place for them to change faith,

Their trust in the shadow that makes them do wrong

To another soul.

Yes, Darkness was cruel;

Their callow attempts only pale

And human corrections

Of what was to end, only callous.

A place for myself to change what I don’t want to live and believe in!

A place to remember,

That place where my darkness and light are both for me safe.

I’m into the light, now,

Re- gaining my faith…

Remember me, dearest,

Our darkness was safe!

Guardian: La Bête

Je suis une bête, ma chère

Mais je t’aime... bien!

Je vais t’aider et protéger

Tous les jours,



Ils auront peur de moi,


Ils seraient terrifiés par cet amour pour toi,

~le mien ; … c’est le tien ~

sans pouvoir faire rien.

Ici, la seule Chance d’exister

est d’aimer... bien!

Moi-même je serais,

Mon amour,

Tous les jours, oui,

Je suis ta bête.

Ils auront peur de moi,


Ils seraient terrifiés par cet amour pour toi,

~le mien ; … c’est le tien ~

sans pouvoir faire rien.

Ici, la seule Chance d’exister

est d’aimer... bien!


Mistaken was I

by the chance of making their pearls happen!

Mistakes are all made to make one only greater!


Chances were taken and broken were fears,

Superstitions mistaken for Bitter-Sweet tears;

Friends and illusions, well known entities

Locked once and forever in frames of a breeze.

Love taken away, mistrust and shy feels,

Perspectives on all our spiritual peers.

Untitled Sun

No title, no rope

Just a lie full of hope!

No phantoms, no touches

Only faint little torches.

Eternal existence

We’d like to achieve

But the Sun ‘s going down

Dark blue with our dreams.


C’était le jour de la rencontre avec un chemin perdu,

Le temps d’un amour presque oublié,


Il semblait à tout le monde,

aux tous fous,

un idiot...

ces idiots qui croyaient qu’ils ont fait tous les jours

rien que


Dans tes larmes,

ce chemin rencontre,

Toujours quand il faut,

Toujours hardu...

Il fait semblant !

C’était le jour du temps d’un chemin amoureux de la vie,

d’un amour vrai et sombre ;

celtique, un peux roman,

comme les murs de tes paroles

qui rigolent dans les mers q’on peut voir dans tes yeux,

Ces oceans de tes coeurs,

Le souffle d’une âme amoureuse

... de l’amour qui fait semblant et parait hardu.

PArt of This LGame

Lying in bed, burning thoughts of the voices swallowed

in a dream,

She believed this was the new life to take.

- Total Madness: Building a bridge to Your Love!

- He called her name, she could not hear

but felt his call from far away,

this call reflected in her being; now she can hear. -

Rescue: he is kneeling besides her bed: ”Will you be my wife up there?”

Silence. ... she only starred.

A thought: ”Will I ever be human again?”

A dream: The mirrors of lies, ... words for both sides.

A shadow from the future seemed to share with me

Secrets of the new world to be

So, I call Him in my dark hours, in my despair ...

”small things we do out of Love”

I call Him in my sleep!...

”Do not forget!”

I call Him when I feel the emptiness of my protected shell.

”I will never forget!”

- Call me crazy, but I still care.

I call Him now; A nightmare turned into a sweet dream caught up into the mornings’ web, touched by the silent rain of those long hours of last night.

- You are there, in the book in my head!

T-his is my punishment, never forget...

- This is my revenge; you keep crying for the loss of my eternal wings!

(“I still can’ t decide how to hurt him”)

- You are not my king!

- I am the one who will sentence you to the eternal death.

A demon you created for your lovers’ god,

An angel you missed because of your dad.

You were so sad...”

”- Let me take away your sins...”


” Now you can start all over again!”

- ... -

”- Dangerous game, my friend.”

- This is a dangerous game.

Almost drowning in their circling thoughts.

- Oh, I’ m not playing.

” I will let You guide me through the darkness of this night!”

”I will let You tell me what to do!”

”I fought you! I defied you and then left you, only to recover myself!”

- Will I ever be human again?

I am the housing that reflects Your will and the memory of who I used to be...

- ... thoughts and feelings resulting from a battle between angels and demons ... -

So! I pray: my work is my confession, my will and my warning,

I ask for Your Light and then pray for

The Eternal Light ... everyone...

reborn in us!

there’s night for:

“- Can you feel it? can you see it?

This cross was crushed so you can access Eternity!”

Blasphemy Lane ~ Orison of a Pagan

- Creating a god inside me was the perfect start for this battle of the sad spurred sands.

“- Here I am, on Blasphemy Lane where everything’s dead.”

[They killed it]

Fill the void inside me

With Love and Meaning,

Brilliant Sun travelling

Through space and time,

enlightening the blackest of Seas;

This darkness in which we dive seems too empty!

~ Rotation ~

“We’re spinning around on our own selves to face a dead god.”

[They closed it in]

He learned we’re in need for some warmth then started looking for it in every galaxy.

“- This hell is cold...”

“- Do you remember the time you swallowed the serpents of Medusa? What did they say to you? Could you hear their screams while burning down your throat? Did you spread their ashes throughout the sands of your hourglass? ...”

[You took in the stars]

“...- There is your boat!”

“- I don’t know! I’m too cold.”

Do fill the void inside me

With Your Love and Meaning,

Brilliant Sun travelling

Through our space and time, ...

enlightening this Black Sea;

The darkness in which we dive looks ... empty!

~ Rotation ~

“I need to burn like a torch and guide you through this cold night.”

They gave us warmth and a warm thought and left this cold.

“-Now I can remember:

A kiss in the name of our God!”

Reflection on Solitude

So, I said: Her eyes were pure,

Her Soul: Too cruel

To let you cry.

‘Left your home for something better in return...

Yet she is the only one to know

About that soul,


‘Fought for what’s to fight for;


‘Found her way with no full understanding of the price to pay.

Still some questions left


Still thoughts linger in my mind!

Relief ...can’t find a spoken answer

to all that!

So, you see: Here, eyes are pure

Yet still that soul too cruel

to let me cry...

Until all illness died.

The Third Infinite

Searching for it in every human being,

he was leading his heart

to find another infinite;


she spread:


bits of your heart;


... beats per time ...


The drummer puts an end to the song

joining the Universal Minds!

- I cracked the system!

we went up and down;

to the left:

the hearts they found

are moving to the right place now.

They keep on moving,

we keep on following,

their lights are guiding him...

but where will he find the third infinite?

/... love .../

circles and triangles,

basis for

the eight rhomboids

of a sun;

cones and spheres

gathering for The Sphere

we’ re spiraling up and down



This never-ending snail shell

we’ re drawing from

is leading us to the

hidden by the light images.


It’ s three o’ clock in the morning;

Eight rays are spreading warmth.

Endless cubes are spiraling around.

- Abstracted Progression -

The other eight hearts establishing the grounds

of that new something we need

are constantly looking for their Passion.

The sound of my blood is running premonitory,

I’m searching for the soul that found its peace in your songs’ gallery.

The colours of the rainbow composing the light

are hiding inside.

... I see! ...

Images protected by light.

Remains of a Lost Soul

Rhomboid flowers swing down at my feet,

Cold as a statue of stone I am;

Inside, the core is washing down memories

While feeding my spirit with unknown entities.

Left out for a moment,

You want now back in

Yet something attracts you to the other land you’ve seen.

A parallel into this Universe was made!

Now you wonder: ”What is there to know about them?”

We live in dimensions you try to discover,

Now, tell me, do you know where that soul of yours crumbles?

Desperately looking for it in Eyes and in Voices;

Please, tell me:

Who are your friends

and where are your enemies?

A spiraled caress of their inference,

You end up observing with a touch of indifference.

A tear to be dropped

The silence that gives back your freedom

is the one in which lies what you’re needing

and what you were given;

They’ll all try to make you feel better,

Feeling worse only because

you are not envious.

They will try to make you become a human

Don’t be like me darling

it’s horrible!

To be punished for good things that you’re doing

and listened to wishes they don’t care about...!

To wish for others do what you once dreamed of

Because they ripped you off

your gifts

and your soul,

that love...

{get back your everything}

this new Jesus they’re making of you

is not what you should be!

{give: hope?}

just breathe

and feel happy with what and who you are

‘cause nothing lasts forever,

clichés to have fun!

Rainbow Clouds

A picture hanging on the wall, a desk and two black curtains

falling down to the floor;

The full-moon hides, behind rainbow clouds,

stories of that yesterdays’ sun,


metal sounds

and two drops of heavy dew.

... Sighs ...

I was circling your thoughts,

they were mine

to wonder about

and make-shine

all the way

through the spirals of our times.

... wishful sighs ...

A picture hanging on the wall, a flower on the desk,

two black curtains falling down

and up the full moon staring...

An almost hidden by rainbow clouds

love for that yesterdays’ sun...

The two drops of heavy dew

are reflecting into the floor.

The Hour of the Blue Man

Time profile; the candle is burning now,

Waiting for someone to stare

At the Great Entrances into new days;

More ways to gaze

At those worlds behind his head.

You kissed her

In the middle of that road I took

For a mask to put on

and be brave!

“- Did they...?”

You filled my heart with pure joy,

“Old man” who still can feel like a child.

“Be grey, be brave

and don’t access that grave

which shatters the soul

and leaves its remains

to die in your heart,

then murder your mind


always too dark,

never enough for your Dei.

- Be brave, kiss that girl and make her forget all the pain!

I can see you in the middle of that road,


You’re both young, as never before

and your love shines through!

Fill my heart with joy, old man,

Please do feel like that child you used to be!

Kiss her goodbye now,

greet her new way...

You’ll be joining her soon,

You’ll be singing with her

for your Dei.

Changing Memories

* the book felt and was brilliant; a lady wrote it nicely enough.

The man behind this story lived all beauty

making her cry for the miracle

which was about to happen.

{for him}

She’s there,

He’s here,

You’re everywhere and nowhere, my dear!

Everybody knows you,

Again, you failed in being aware

of the fact that they adore you!


Change those ugly memories,

Feel the songs that help you reach out

For the “big fat lie”

which is our life:

That dream


Once more...

Failed to fail!

The cave of our beings

holds the candles and torches

we hold dear to!

They shine and glow

in our way.

We get deep down

Into the darkness of our veins!

Oh, the carbon we use to fry

The evil inside!

Let’s make it shine,

Our Big Fat Lie!

T H M: Dances for Heavens

My Hell, your Heaven!

The one we wanted to last forever;

My sorrow, your relief

From a life, you felt that was incomplete.

My Love, your Hating new song,

My life: the death of your Wrong


Be happy, now, dear!

Don’t worry for what might have been!

Be kind to yourself,

Don’t treat yourself with disrespect!

I’m dancing for


Eternities’ Sake!

... ... /\/\/\

~ (Dots & Dots, Broken Rods) ~

Safe spots,

three sweet dots

in a title-quest

to have some rest.

Their bets can be as charming as harmful;

The publisher said “No” to my handful

of “reasons”.

So elegantly spent,

this time!

In the end

it’s only a choice of living another illusion.

Special glasses help us provide some food for the brain.

{Pink Toes swimming in a bowl of soup that is making this trip worthwhile}


No pride, no glory

No fame, no great stacks of money,

No power, no way to get where you’re going...

All dreamers get hacked

on the course of this High_Tech



Three dots in a row

as sweet as a crow made of chocolate.

{- Don’t be mad at me, darling! I’m only revealing some lying truths here!}

Three more for the fun

A new place to run

Again, safely!

More rods of Time are emerging!

{admit it: you like to see me, ... unhappy, living your misery! Oh!}


well, well! I’m inviting you now to relax

and enjoy your fun!...

while you’re still around! Dear lovely cursing gown...

{The mice know how to show you this sound!}


Rumours are making some lives

looking real!

You are what they say about you!

in their eye:

Remember to smile:

The stage is your dye, your kingdom and your time!

{Bee Hive!}

The Messenger Type

Ironically you,

Ironically me.

Messages from above and inside


a co-worker


sounds felt on caresses and hugs


High above.

Their voices up,

your feelings down!

The tissue paper

awaits in the corner of the room...

to wipe the voices of your hurting soul.


Classmates: dismissed!

they all need a break

from this painful lock-chain

that’s too good to be true!


ironically me,

Ironically you!

We’re all dreaming!

their lode-star is leading them

to the proper lodge.


will you join them for a cup of fresh fun?


Happy Sailing

above the clouds!


A management buy-out,

a pie to sell cheap,

one business developing,

two sailors walk in!

Three maniacs working

too much for a goal

that is to be broken

by those prides that they form

in schools they all know

how to make work so well

behind smiling mimics and gestures of fake.

The civil way!

So, nice to Obey!

4 mince purposes

are filled with grandeur;

success means to you

a brand, one new chance to fail.

To be humanely true to your Hue Man beliefs,

to be the fool that still misses

a loving caress.

Carbon Poem

“A Sun transforming matter into light

is giving up


The sun is the lighting of your path



On the stage of “What I could have been if...”

there is a lot of material that is happening!

to bring to the eyes

of a public which can blink,

unseen by the malicious minds

which got lost

in some poetic steam


Watch the traveller,

He’s living his peace

into the stream of one poetical mist.

The wool in the lap of a grandma he’s missing

unravels her golden wishes

for him to be all-knowing

and reaching

the whoops they are not giving!

He isn’t though like that,

He’s happier now!

since he knows that the AllKnowing

get to do too much harm

or get harmed.

The clock-ticks are now turning

in wow_wow’s and in gweens,

in colours of all rainbows,

they are willing to live

... and make-believe ...

Their learning moves much faster

than we can now forsake

imagining like always

what is that could have been?

What is that we could make

Of it?


“If I were now younger,

If I were much brighter,

if I had the mind-set

of a genius thunder!

If I had the courage

and I had the nerve...

If I were the Universe...

If I changed the course


of delusions

and fates!”


The wool string is telling

about chérrie-trees filled

with daft flowers

giving a new life to see

two red eyes looking still,

exploring a new mirror’s


oh, I guess

creators have already

seen this beautiful remembrance.


Not funny to learn that

in death things grow fast,

We’re making progression

the new term in hand.

From hamlets to cities,

the banks all have helped,

to city your neighbour

and village your friend.

Two halves of one storey:

“The human, so kind!”

Two halves that need snowflakes

to bring up some smiles!

Two gifts for two people

Who’ll get their gifts done

for the happiness and laughter

of a new and third one.

“I’ll cry if I have too,

I’ll suffer once more!

Just bear with me dearest

and help me some more!”

Let’s not make this drama

queen too lovely one, ‘K?

lore of this one store


give her one last chance to

embarrass herself more!

“I need to be happy

to give happiness

But please...

help me through this

fine haze of dark dreams!”


Reflective tears have happened,

I pray for them to heal

All humans that are worthy,

all those who really feel

That care and all that love,

the passion within;

Their knowledge, their power,

That work, to help some more!

That carbon’s really useful

when energies need fun!


“I need to help myself though

as I need to help them,

I need to give to people

the things I so longed for...

and probably much more!”

As diamonds shine on her ring

I move towards one end

of eras that have left all

this promising new land.

The land of skies’ emotions,

these heavens open wide,

They’re 7 for their kingdom

and 9 for those who cry!

Project-ive moments happen

poseurs are leaving ground

For programming and progress

to happen all around.

Reflective teas have happened

I pray for them to heal

All humans that are worthy

all those who really feel.

True care, true love,

true passion!

Their work will help much more!

That carbon’s really helpful

when energies have fun!


“Summer is gone now,

Tomorrow I’ll have another reason to think myself pretty, nice or kind enough a soul for your protection.

Thank you, for being with me for such a long time!

Unfortunately, I have to give a call to one friend who wasn’t happy to be herself, she wanted to screw with me, the one I managed to be... I keep asking myself: how much money do I need to repair this trouble I’m in; once again, dear brother... how?”

- The crazier you get for me, the better, she replied!

- Was she out of her mind? What was wrong with this woman!?

- She needed to behave, that’s all! And you! You learn to train them all better! Please, treat them better!

Then the war began:

Treats are falling from the skies

we all say goodnight to,

goodbye we say and then forget for a while to cry for souls and love we lost, for them and for ourselves.

We love, we dance towards our ends,

We pray, we focus on our work and feel ashamed when lost;

Abandoned for a cause and purpose that we do not

understand as much as we enjoy,

believing that we can.


I need to say this: don’t hate me! I cannot fight you more than I already do. In every aspect of my life you’ll see your own truths and lies;

Perhaps I got too mad on this whole Universe inventing me and not the other way around!


I’m your invention, your new lost treat, too small perhaps only too sweet,

I’m crawling down and up I go, I guess we’re asked to stop once more

for another

Pleasant break.

Have a poisonous snack, find an answer into this lovely


Believe more in your friend!

Passive voices protect me!

You are going to be sorry,

And we do not feel alright when

Too early.

Passive voices coming up, saying what went to a





-They have fed well but God was fair

Accomplishing a wish I had

Making me fight for what I want

So, I can stand–up and be proud

Of who I am!



Will I



Be That Way


Puppet Show

To live in a fantasy,

Impossible is nothing!

Somewhere, away my soul is,

Don’t ask me how but I know.

This mean-machine creating soulless robots every day

Does not exist out there.

Oh, Moon, come down, I beg,

Take me away to a perfect place!

My dearest, my fantasy-land

Is where I can be alive again.

Oh, mirror of brothers and sisters, oh, sun!

Come and sing for us your enlightening songs,

Sing to me!

Woe betide anyone daring to separate me from thee!


- Impossible is nothing, he lied

And I, so willing to believe!

- Come back, wherever you are,

Make my beautiful dreams come to life,

Make them possible!


- Oh, Moon, Somewhere, Away my soul feels…

Take me away from this senseless fatigue

To where my frail body can live _again_

~ I used to be alive in a dream ~

A song of resurrection:

Come, sing to me!

My humanity, whole, untouched by mortal hands:

I need to believe again.

Come, take me away,

Somewhere far away,

To where I can be and live!

My soul peacefully, in perfect wait, at peace is;

Woe betide anyone who dared separating me from thee.

I used to be alive, in a dream.

Futile Wars

It is in vain that I fight him, he doesn’t understand,

We’re speaking different tongues and have different ways.

How could I lose myself this way, where is my grip,

The one I always had,

My strength to fight it all, to climb, survive and fail

to kill myself just once again?!

You’ll always find a way! A voice is reassuring a heart filled with dark bitter flames

of sad new desperation;

in silence creeps a feeling of regret and loneliness.

I’ll always find a way! I say to myself remembering the words of wisdom

kind and generous,

a helping hand.

I’ll fight against you, demon-man,

Your demon girls and women, wrong, shall never supply for you from me!

Never again - I am not forgiving.

How could I lose myself this way in a battle I know I can revive

A spirit I thought lost,

but found it was,

and now I can fly, I can dance...

I can write!

It flew away for knowledge and for truth, my angel heart!

The spirit I thought lost can find a better life to have

while I can feel at last

its power.

But if I had much more, oh, if I could, I would, I would!

I don’t regret the fight but I do regret you!

An anger had against your boys and girls - they do not know -

their lives too easy as I saw!

I’ll never be able to regret much more...

I fought without rest, I wrote,

I’ll still go on!
My anger did no wrong: I fought, I harmed, I won!

A question lingers in my head: Am I too happy now?

- Oh, no!


How dare you show so beautiful!

Near me you stand proud, fresh and lovely,

you red dewed rose.

How dare you be perfumed and wonderful,

inspiring renewal and everlasting hope!

How dare you be so innocent and pure?

Oh, nothing, nothing in the world competes with you!

How dare you feel so kind and gentle, fragile thorns brought up to our despair,

against us all

- What if I crushed your petals and burned your soul

to make it mine, alive and well and full of love and dreams,

adorned with the shadows of my wishes!

How dare you glow in the morning’s light of the sun?!

The preciours pearls of perspiration holding each a little star given from up above.

- What if I crushed and burned you, oh, you succulent wild beautiful beast

among your kind!

You bloom and rise and shine as you are now.

How can you dare?! Oh, how?

Would you still dare to show your splendour to the world

if I decided to destroy

your way before it told the eternal story of your charms?

As if tomorrows never come,

as if you never died,

as if the wings of angels fall protective in their rest

to cover you for a little while

as you tell stories, proud!

Estinguishing your purity -

you dry under the flames and spears of light are bringing back to life your sibblings.

Calm beauty, eternal with agony that will still moan for you, your charms,

Your beauty tells tales fine and I, refined lines am being taught.

Be it darkness of the night or plain day or dawn

your speldour reigns over the kingdoms

of grounds and skies.

How dare you show so beautiful, oh, princess of the day and night,

when strong your perfumes gather to form a choir of dreams sung up

to the skies of mercy and love and kind support

of your delicate beauty.

You fighter, there is no reason for me to abandon myself to anger

against you.

Eternal agonies of everlasting love you make believe the work of a saint.

Oh, dare, please dare again!

I’m lonely in my despair!

I need your beauty, in sorrow of my own stupidity I bathe!

- Where is your gentle purity,

your elegance of pride?

My agony will disappear once you show your angel given sanctity.





“Summer is gone now,

Tomorrow I’ll have another reason to think myself pretty, nice or kind enough a soul for your protection.

Thank you, for being with me for such a long time!

Unfortunately, I have to give a call to one friend who wasn’t happy to be herself, she wanted to screw with me, the one I managed to be... I keep asking myself: how much money do I need to repair this trouble I’m in; once again, dear brother... how?”

- The crazier you get for me, the better, she replied!

- Was she out of her mind? What was wrong with this woman!?

- She needed to behave, that’s all! And you! You learn to train them all better! Please, treat them better!

Then the war began:

Treats are falling from the skies

we all say goodnight to,

goodbye we say and then forget for a while to cry for souls and love we lost, for them and for ourselves.

We love, we dance towards our ends,

We pray, we focus on our work and feel ashamed when lost;

Abandoned for a cause and purpose that we do not

understand as much as we enjoy,

believing that we can.


I need to say this: don’t hate me! I cannot fight you more than I already do. In every aspect of my life you’ll see your own truths and lies;

Perhaps I got too mad on this whole Universe inventing me and not the other way around!


I’m your invention, your new lost treat, too small perhaps only too sweet,

I’m crawling down and up I go, I guess we’re asked to stop once more

for another

Pleasant break.

Have a poisonous snack, find an answer into this lovely


Believe more in your friend!



Passive voices protect me!

You are going to be sorry,

And we do not feel alright when

Too early.


Passive voices coming up, saying what went to a





-They have fed well but God was fair

Accomplishing a wish I had

Making me fight for what I want

So, I can stand–up and be proud

Of who I am!



Will I



Be That Way

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