The Message (El Mensaje) by Christian G Ulloa - HTML preview

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Poem/Poema #71 (Love/Amor)


Angel Cop


I believe The day that I disappeared

was the same day that my soul reappeared

I cannot quite remember which event occurred first

whether it was my crash or my first and only bust

The fact is that all I’d really want is the opportunity

to be a good man and stand side by side with my wife

Because only her eyes and smile could have made Me what I am.

This is why I know for sure that She will be waiting for Me

at home with her white lingerie.


Written on: May 20, 2005



Poem/Poema #72 (Life/Vida)


Red Kat


As I sat in awe, almost speechless

I remember just how clearly I wanted nothing less.

Looking deeply beyond her fashionable glasses

her eyes showed me another world beyond our social classes.

I felt a sudden pain deep inside my soul

For today I had spoken to her like a fool.


Written on: May 24, 2005

Dedicated to: Cathy (Clinical Assistant at Southside Hospital, Bay Shore, NY)




Poem/Poema #73 (Life/Vida)


Dual Context


If U could actually C exactly what I C,

Just mayB U could B a little more like ME.


Even though some ppl might call ME Crazy,

No.1 I know w00d ever dare say that I am lazy.


i.e.: When I C my Parents and how hard THEY work,

I i Admire their B-havior though it’s made ME l00k

 + mimic less alive like a dork.

Even if this holds tRue about My earlier years,

If U were Me back then U2 would bl33d more than


Because My Fears Seemed were never for the Mirror.

But 2Day I became a Man and my Life is so much


The answer to Life is not one U’ll find outside or in a


It’s in how far You can bear this Life and its

Dual Context.


Written on: June 6, 2005




Poem/Poema #74 (Life/Vida)




I saw one of my idols today on the cover of Fortune.

I was surprised to see his real name without the torture.

There he was looking straight at ME,

Showing that he looked better than WE.

I’ve always admired his talent in the GAME,

demonstrating that I too someday will have fame.

If and only IF I stop using the word Blame

towards my blood Father who should have shame

For not having the balls that are instilled inside of ME

Knowing full well that what meant to be will BE.

To this day I cannot beLIEve that I’ve held on this long.

My Father Galo’s arm so tired and weak but yet so strong.

Because his way of life was geared towards abstinence

and my method of madness was that of Resistance.


Written on: June 9, 2005




Poem/Poema #75 (Love/Amor)


Canada 2006


I can’t believe I took so long to see you again,

It’s like my life was complete but still begging…

Begging for a change in times of need,

While still in my shitty country, the Land of Greed…

I have no idea of what to expect when I finally see you,

Will it be the same as the last time when all I wanted was you?

All I know is that I will finally arrive in about an hour,

And I cannot decide whether to give you a red rose or a simple flower.


Written on: April 7, 2006

Dedicated to: E.G.




Poem/Poema #76 (Love/Amor)


The Act of Forgiveness


The act of forgiveness is usually based on Love

It ends with a simple gesture and a hand from up above

But when human nature sometimes confines the worse in us

And when the darkest secrets are revealed, it becomes more serious

Instead of embracing the religious phrase “to forgive and forget”

Our minds, bodies, and souls become filled with disgust and regret

For having made just one more retarded mistake

In this way of life that so lightly we take

When the ones we so honestly care about take us on a roundtrip journey

Into the depths of hell and back while our heads were turning

In order to experience true pain, you’d now have to be in my shoes

For this situation is breaking me down from my head right into my toes

Because this story is about someone I actually loved who became worse than my foe

When she suddenly turned from a loving white dove into a fucking black crow

At the time she said yes to a boy who isn’t worth a cent

And no to a real man who she now fills with regret.


Written on: April 12, 2006

Dedicated to: E.G.




Poem/Poema #77 (Love/Amor)


The Real Man


People say that first impressions are critical to any relationship

So last night I hope that you can forgive me for my little trip

I wanted to show you a great time within our short hours together

Now I just hope that I didn’t say anything foolish that might last forever

When I saw you again for the first time I wanted to kiss you to the bone

Instead of getting closer, I became quiet, inattentive, and quite a bit stoned

Maybe it was the paranoia kicking in, but it seemed like I was losing you

Minute by minute I saw the spark we had was fading and didn’t know what to do

There were so many things I wanted to say when I had been near a sweetheart

But I guess I didn’t find the words in time and later became such a retard

So I’d like to take this humble opportunity to say that I not only liked what I saw

Everything about your mind, body, and soul; and would’ve kissed you ‘til I hurt my jaw

I guess I wasn’t exactly sure of what to expect; and I’m sure you feel the same

But if last night was not at all what you hoped for, I guess I’m the one to blame

Finally, when I woke up this morning, I felt as if I acted like such a child

Instead of the real man you kissed once before, who managed to stay inside your mind.


Written on: May 10, 2006

Dedicated to: Allison




Poem/Poema #78 (Love/Amor)


La Mujer De Mi Vida


Anoche me enamoré perdidamente de tu esencia

Y quise quedarme junto a tu presencia.

Sé muy bien que si te hubiera dicho lo que realmente siento

Jamás me creyeras… ni que a tu lado pasé mis mejores momentos.

Tus labios, tus besos, y tu cintura me llenan de locura

Y tu piel tan sensual siempre me hace pensar en diabluras.

No sé ni como decirte cuanto te adoro ni cuanto te quiero

Pero pienso que más bien te demostraré cuanto te amo.

Quiero que todo el mundo nos vea juntos y se mueran de envidia

Porque anoche al fin me dí cuenta que tú eres la mujer de mi vida.


Written on: June 4, 2006

Dedicated to: Sandra





Poem/Poema #79 (God/Dios)


La Reina Del Barrio


Ella fue una reina del sacrificio,

que al mirarla ocupaba un espacio...

Un espacio en cada superficie y rincón

de nuestra alma y de nuestro corazón.

Su corazón tan fantástico y divino,

que hasta nos enseñó a adorar al Divino Niño.

Su alma tan pura, humilde y santa,

Hasta hace algunos días le llegó la calma.

El día antes de su partida, tuve el privilegio de mirar sus ojitos cafés.

Y pude admirar la belleza de la madre de mi madre por última vez.

En su novena década de gozo y sufrimiento

que nos había brindado mucho amor a cada momento.

Este día me encuentro lleno de angustia y una pena desesperante,

ya que no encuentro ningún consuelo en este instante.

Porque hoy nos encontramos con el alma llena de dolor,

ya que al fin, La Reina Del Barrio ascendió al Reino del Señor.


Written on: June 21, 2006

Dedicated to: Dolores Cabrera (Grandma)