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Book III: Forearm Tattoo




Poem/Poema #60 (God/Dios)


Note from God


Movies and music are there to inspire.

Life is what gives us hope.

When I first met her I was SO SCARED.

But now I just know that she IS NOT.

That’s why He sent her to me.

I can’t explain it right now but you will BELIEVE.


Written on: May 6, 2005

Dedicated to: Elisabeth




Poem/Poema #61 (God/Dios)


Forearm Tattoo


L(o)ive The Dream.

Live Life.


Written on: May 7, 2005

Dedicated to: Christian (From your Father)





Poem/Poema #62 (Love/Amor)


1 liz


 1 liz


- Fwd: Btw did you and me have a fight last night? My ribs are killing me today... ;p

- Fwd: Im hurting somewhere else :s

- Fwd: Yea my left jabs do that sometimes... I got scratches all over me, I think it was

that cat of yours.

- Fwd: :) dont kill me lol

- Fwd: What time r ur parents getting home?

- Fwd: Tonite

- Fwd: :) what time u get off work? Can u take off today?

- Fwd: I work 1-8 i cant take it off :(

(Christian goes over)

- Fwd: Hey I in the back, I need a light.

..... (We make love twice, and you had to go to work @ 1pm)

- Fwd: Hey you listen, my uncle is really pissed off today about last night, I'm kinda glad

I came home, we're all in trouble so I don't think its a good idea 2 chill tonight :(

- Fwd: Oh shit i hope he gets over it fast

- Fwd: Yea we all do... I can't even think of a good excuse to go out to have a cig, I'm

dieing here... Y extraño tus labios.

- Fwd: What? Im smokin rite now :)

- Fwd: Ok let me know when u get home... I'm going to pass out for a couple of hours


- Fwd: Hahah i love that part and no i dont wanna move im hurting


- Fwd: Im gonna fix it tomorrow. U animal

- Fwd: Aww :(

- Fwd: Ya im pretty sure we'll go in august..but that seems soo far away

- Fwd: So dont leave!! :p

- Fwd: Probably better that way. Lets u taste more

- Fwd: Aww im sorry i really liked your poem, i just wasnt sure wat to say. Its very sweet

but is it real?

- Fwd: Not even a LITTLE blue?

4 26 2005

- Fwd: I didnt want u 2 leave :(

- Fwd: But it was a really nice feeling

- Fwd: It is. i wish u were lying next 2 me right now :)

- Fwd: So do i :) i usually delete all my msg's

- Fwd: Hug ur pillow & i'll hug mine :)

4 29 2005

- Fwd: if ur goal was to hurt me, congradulations on a job well done.

- Fwd: im truly hurting right now. But its my fault i should have known better

- Fwd: Well u have a very strange way of showing a girl that u love her. And no maybe i

dont know the definition.. but i do know that im falling in love and it hurts

- Fwd: So am i. I never said half the things i truly felt about u


Written on: May 7, 2005

Dedicated to: Christian & Elizabeth (From your Father)

Written by: Christian & Elizabeth





Poem/Poema #63 (Love/Amor)


What I should have told you


If i could go back to the first day you kissed me,

i would have told you that it was the first kiss i had that made me feel weak

i would have told you that it distracted me during my exam, and all i could wonder about

was when i could kiss you again

if i could go back to the first time i slept with you

i would have told you about the feeling that exploded in my heart that night

and i would have told you that if i had a choice to freeze any moment in my life, it would

have been that one.

and most importantly i would have let you know that it was so much more then just sex,

dispite my inebriation :)

if i could go back to the night i stayed on the couch, because i told u i was "comfortable"

i would have sat with you anyways, dispite the fact that i was too scared to get close to


and i would have told you about how i was slowly falling in love with you

if i could read your poems again for the first time,

i would have told you about the feeling that washed over me when i read them

i would have told you about how i thought you were the most amazing person i had ever

met, let alone been with.

if last night was our last night together, i would have told you how you might as well stab

a knife through my chest before telling me that u only wanted to be my friend

if it had been our last minute,

i would have told you that all i wanted to do was kiss you throughout the night, instead of

putting up my usual fight.

but because i have the chance now,

i will tell you that i'll miss you, i care about you, and that i love you.

and as much as im beginning to wish you had never come, im so glad that you did.


Written on: April 30, 2005

Dedicated to: Christian

Written by: Elizabeth Glover





Poem/Poema #64 (Love/Amor)





C: How come you never ^ into My eyes?

L: Cause I believe You told ME many lies.

L: Why do you admire my long legs and my thighs?

C: Cause I can almost Feel your insider Beauty and legs passed your facial lies.


passed your facial life.


L: “How could you ^ so certain that You know

what your doing?

C: Because my Father told me so. Know1Ever Kknows

Why to job what He is Planning.

L: “Do you believe that Art is Blind?”

C: “I SEE Green lights in Your Green Eyes. I am

 White ColorBlind.”


Written on: May 7, 2005

Dedicated to: Elisabeth




Poem/Poema #65 (God/Dios)




De niño escuche una historia de ESPERANZA.

La mujer que me contó fue mi Madre ESPERANZA.

Ella me contó que cuando Yo nací, Creyó en DIOS.

Nunca supe hasta luego que nos pasara a los DOS.

Para Ella fue cuando Yo nací.

Para Mi fue cuando Casi Me Morí.

Mis Dos Padres me hablan y Yo nunca Escuchaba.

Y aunque no me crean, Yo Siempre Por ELLOS Luchaba.

Les Cuento Hoy Que Seguiré luchando hasta el día que mi vida llegue a ceros.

¡¡¡Porque Sé Que Hoy ya estamos en los CIELOS!!!


Written on: May 8, 2005

Dedicated to: Esperanza (Mom)




Poem/Poema #66 (Life/Vida)





May 8, 2005


My bday gift

When I left my father's house

And asked her 4 some advice

Color blind

Bmw cig holder.



Written on: May 8, 2005

Dedicated to: Esperanza (Mom)




Poem/Poema #67 (Life/Vida)







Poem/Poema #68 (Love/Amor)


To See What He See’s


To See What He See’s

If I could look at the world through his eyes,

Maybe I would understand all of his dual context

And maybe I could finally see all of the things he saw in me

If I could look at the world through his eyes,

I could see what he saw in my drawings

All of the things I never saw

If I could look at the world through his eyes,

Maybe I would understand my own feelings

To see them through someone else’s eyes

If I could look at the world through his eyes

I could subsequently see the green he saw in my eyes

And maybe I could believe that not everything he told me was a lie

But most of all, what I wouldn’t give to look at the world through his eyes

Simply to see all the beauty he see’s in his life

And how something such as the vision of a red heart on a road sign

Could make his mind race and his heart pound.

To understand him, I would have to see the world through his eyes.

But if I can never do that, I’ll settle for seeing the reflection from his eyes.

Written on: May 8, 2005

Written by: LiZ




Poem/Poema #69 (Love/Amor)


If They Only Knew


If Only They Knew

If only they knew the emotion inside,

The sense of dignity, the lost in pride.

If only they knew the candles burnt out,

Struggling to be lit once more without a doubt.

If only they knew the sound of their heart,

The sound of how our world will soon fall apart.

If only they knew the melody of the song,

Wanting to learn it so they may belong.

If only they knew how the stars stay up high,

The sound of God in the wind with the slightest sigh.

If only they knew how the tables turn around,

Like the way a rock thrown makes a hole in the ground.

If only they knew of the waves mysterious flow,

Like watching a tree begin to grow.

If only they knew the devils strong face,

They'd know it's his power which makes life a race.

If only they knew the time was soon to come,

We may all unite to watch the falling of the Sun.

If only they knew how good it may be,

If they only knew, they just may know me.

~May 1st

, 2005

Written on: May 1, 2005

Written by: Stephanie Sanchez






Poem/Poema #70 (God/Dios)


“ God’s Letter 4 U



The subconscious is a very powerful peace of mind

it can make one’s ego less and other aspects of the kind

 has the ability to

It can show you only one side of the coin to a point

as well as showing you other things that end in a joint

No matter what, she is there to guide your way

as long as you speak from the heart and pray

Because the secret between north and south

is NOT one You hear from anyone’s mouth

In the south we worship the paper

but in the north we should bow in the letter

 “ 2

Subconscious = Spirit


Written on: June 9, 2005

Dedicated to: U