The Noise From The Vaccum by Gaegake Motlhanka - HTML preview

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What to Eat?


Its lunchtime and my stomach couldn’t stop growling like a Kalahari lion,

I open the fridge, but only emptiness stares back at me, I drink some water,

But the hunger only gets worse I try to ignore it, but doesn’t help,

Feed me!feed me! I could hear my stomach speaking to me,

Keep quite you swine I threatened my stomach but it’s only the beginning,

I knock on my neighbor’sdoor, can you lend me 5 pula I said weakly,

I am broke she replies I walk back pathetically to my room,


You useless bastard feed me my stomach keeps bugging me,

You lazy bones feed me, lazy bones! Lazy bones! Lazy bones feed me, my stomach keeps humming,

I can’t stand it anymore I drink more water and rummaged through the plates,

I find a two day old maize meal, its bad androoting, but I couldn’t care less,

I devoured it like hyena eating leftover carcass; the rooting smell of the maize fills my mouth,

I drink some water to rid myself of the smell and taste of the bad meal,

Its doesn’t help now I am hungry than ever,and my stomach keeps growling,

Finally I get some sleep,but still has nightmares about food