The Noise From The Vaccum by Gaegake Motlhanka - HTML preview

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When the reaper comes


From far away he is silently watching her, he licked his lips and smile menacingly

She walks towards the house with no care in the, suddenly he sprang unto her,

Weakly she tries to fight him off but he is too strong, but she keeps fighting,

He throws he against the door, rips off her clothes, takes away her jewelry,

As strong as she can she aimed a kick at his crotch, it catches him off guard,

He steps back, giving her time to run, time to rescue herself, crying for help as she runs,


No one hears her cries, and he easily catches up with her, he is fully of anger,

This time he is more brutal, like a wrecking ball,he crushed her face with his fist,

She falls down, tries to plead for mercy, but he is beyond angry and can’t listen,

He lands one brutal kick against her ribs, and lands one more fist on mouth,

Blood gushes from her mouth, like water in Victoria Falls, she cowers as comes close,

Suddenly someone beats him from behind and he falls back, she struggles to her feet and takes off,


When she thought she has outran him, she stops to catch her breath, he is nowhere in sight,

She takes a breath of relief, and walks casually to the nearest house,

Then she heard it, loud pounds of someone running, can it be? She wondered and looked back,

Just as she turned her back, he was unto her, this time he was more vicious than last time,

He tackled her down, and gave one punch to her lungs; the pain shot throw her entire body, faster than a wildfire,

She gave one attempt of struggle; just she tightly choked her, her body twitched a little and finally no more,

He stands up, looks at her body, gave a sick smile and goes to look for another victim....