The Noise From The Vaccum by Gaegake Motlhanka - HTML preview

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A Day atthe Bus Rank


I wake at 6am sharp brushed my teeth,

Drank one bottle of beer, and took a piss

I stroll out of my one room shack,

Looking around me,I saw primary school students,

Talking loudly,playing silly games,

They don't yet know the challenges of life,


Five minutes later I arrived at the bus rank,

My combi has not yet arrived,

There is a long queue for my combi,

Its like they are waiting for free beer,

Their eyes eager,yet their conversations impersonal,

One combi arrives, and like goats to a water bowl,

They rush to it, curses are flung around,and feuds are born,


The streets vendors are starting to arrive,

They come dragging their stalls,like a butcher does to a lamb,

Someone behind me tries to strike a conversation,

I take out my phone and switched on music,


On the main road,cars rush by, without a care,

Hitchhikers are furiously waving their hands at them,

The rank is getting crowded,the dust is unbearable,

Just as I was about to give up,my combi arrives,

I got in and looked at the remaining ones,

With a faint smile,I have won...


By Gaegake Motlhanka