The Power of Black – Poems on Humanity , Social Cause , Poverty , Women Empowerment – Volume 2 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The solitary plant on soil shook to the most minuscule draught of wind; buckled miserably under the influence of passing breeze,

While it was the cluster of trees which appeared resilient against the most tumultuous of storm; stood like a formidable fortress as the air whizzed past

their demeanor in cyclonic succession.


A single cloud in the sky looked disdainful; lingered lackadaisically without

precipitating for hours on the trot,

While it was the conglomerate of dense clouds in the cosmos; that showered

rain unrelentingly; inundating every barren patch on earth with exotic water.


The flame of the wax candle flickered flirtatiously; as the sultry night started to take a complete stranglehold on the day,

While it was the crackling bonfire that blazed tenaciously through the darkness; profoundly illuminating the cloistered environment with dazzling rays of hope.


The puddle of water looked contemptuous; lying desolate after the monsoons;

anxiously waiting to evaporate into thin wisps of oblivion,

While it was the ocean with an ensemble of swirling waves; rising high and

flamboyant towards the sky; that was able to bear the weight of ships; transport millions of passengers from one destination to another.


A single goat philandering on the hills looked pretty forlorn; aimlessly loitering around; groping wildly for the right path as the complexion of day transited into ephemeral dusk,

While it was the cluster of sheep which ambled audaciously; manipulated the

meandering paths of the terrain; to reach their destination with supreme safety.


One soldier facing the marching enemies abysmally succumbed; collapsing in a

petrified heap at the sight of gleaming guns and bombs,

While it was the battalion of stalwarts who fought valiantly till they relinquished breath; dexterously swishing their swords to annihilate the advancing army.


As a single eye searched for the inconspicuous needle; trying to unearth it

from amidst heaps of rotten leaves and corn; the task seemed virtually insurmountable; with sighs of exasperation piercing loud and stringent through

the atmosphere,

While it was only when several eyeballs rotated all around; were they able to

spot the diminutive metal camouflaged subtly beneath a green banana skin.


The manager looked disgruntled; making flagrant blunders as he buried his head

in submission under a sheaf of monotonous papers; trying to run the company

solely on his own,

While it was only when a team of professionals assembled together; executed

their tasks to immaculate perfection; that the business prospered; became a

name to cherish in the community.

And a single stick of candy snapped ludicrously into multiple fragments; the

instant I applied on it the slightest of pressure,

While it was the united bundle of sticks; which incorrigibly refrained to distort an inch; Infact gained loads more of raw strength; with each

attempt of mine to wholesomely decimate it.