The Power of Black – Poems on Humanity , Social Cause , Poverty , Women Empowerment – Volume 2 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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It was solely because of that very tantalizing flesh; that you felt like the most exotically robust man alive for times immemorial; with every nubile goose-bump on your skin roused towards the ultimate crescendos of paradise,


It was solely because of that very effervescent flesh; that you at times forgot the most murderously asphyxiating of your disease; discarded even the most goriest of pain; like wisps of inconsequential nothingness,


It was solely because of that very succulent flesh; that you languished in the aisles of unstoppable desire; even an infinite centuries after diabolical hell had wholesomely melanged with every cranny of earth divine,


It was solely because of that very replenishing flesh; that you felt your true manhood to be blessed beyond sagacious comprehension; as you invincibly loomed over every other conceivable object in the melancholic atmosphere,


It was solely because of that very titillating flesh; that you felt even the most lugubriously dormant dormitories of your brain; burgeon into the most

pricelessly inimitable whirlwinds of optimistically enlightening creation,


It was solely because of that very royal flesh; that you felt as if existence had a boundless more parameters associated to it; rather than just robotically breathe from blazing morning to stupendously enamoring night,


It was solely because of that very royal flesh; that you never ever experienced dolorous boredom; fathomlessly exploring the most poignantly artistic shapes of beauty; which were sensuously accentuated to the ultimate hilt,


It was solely because of that very rhapsodic flesh; that you felt that the world was forever handsomely winning and proliferating; as if there palpitated just

insatiably profound desire in even the most inconspicuous ingredient of the atmosphere,


It was solely because of that very serenaded flesh; that you became entirely oblivious to every ounce of your treacherously depraved impoverishment; feeling the wealthiest man alive; although bereft of a single penny in your pockets,


It was solely because of that very seductive flesh; that you felt inexhaustibly inebriated in the clouds of voluptuous longing; where every droplet of golden

rain perpetually mollified every insinuation of agony and pain,


It was solely because of that very silken flesh; that you felt an unsurpassable entrenchment of enlightenment enshroud every of your dying nerve;

transcending you forever and ever and ever beyond the definitions of victorious ecstasy,


It was solely because of that very jubilant flesh; that you sprang like the most unassailably volatile inferno from even an infinite kilometers beneath your

corpse; and with the incredulous virility of an untamed adolescent,


It was solely because of that very miraculous flesh; that you suddenly started to feel that life was unlimitedly triumphant; and you were the most precious jewel in God’s cradle of tirelessly potent creation,


It was solely because of that very ardent flesh; that you learnt to fantasize and romanticize once again like a small kid; although treacherously wrapped in

the throes of daily survival and the despicably abhorrent office,


It was solely because of that very bountiful flesh; that you entirely massacred every venomous prejudice in your soul; yearned towards more and more eternally fructifying goodness; every unfurling instant of your majestic life,


It was solely because of that very mesmerizing flesh; that you experienced ubiquitous versatility at its very best; and the thunderbolt of excitement reigning

perennially supreme in every visible and invisible cranny of your visage,


It was solely because of that very glorious flesh; that you thanked the Creator for all those brilliantly exuberant moments; when every droplet of thwarted

tension in your nerves; became an unconquerable fountain of blooming happiness,


It was solely because of that very ravishing flesh; that you felt your life would never ever end even after death; as the pleasure it gave every outgrowth

of hair on your body; made you feel as if utopia was in every line of your outstretched palms,


It was solely because of that very effulgent flesh; that you felt your ultimate odyssey as a vagrant traveler had forever ended; upon the most ecstatically

titillating apogees of unfathomable seduction,


It was solely because of that very unabashed flesh; that every iota of your decrepit impotency; suddenly burgeoned like the sword of the infallibly triumphant warrior; limitlessly ensuring that proliferation on this spell-binding planet; never had any end,


And yet you hypocritically and openly condemned that very flesh which made you feel like the most impregnable king all your life; as a Whore; as a Prostitute;  just because it belonged to the body of such a woman who hadn’t tied the marital thread with you as per the norms of your inanely double-standard society; just because it belonged to the body of such a woman who had euphorically devoured many more men like you; just because it belonged to the body of such a woman who wasn’t your legal wife