The Valley that Calls by Deniz Besim - HTML preview

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The Farm Wife


The farm wife is up before the cock crows

The farm is looking pleasant in sunrise.

She's always up earliest, the cock knows.


The farm wife feeds the foal so that it grows,

She checks on the piglets in the pig sties.

The farm wife is up before the cock crows.


She collects new eggs from chickens in rows,

A tame goat into the chicken hatch pries.

She's always up earliest, the cock knows.


She prepares a bucket to milk her cows,

Admiring the calmness of the blue skies.

The farm wife is up before the cock crows.


Into sheering the sheep she herself throws,

Soon for breakfast, she'll be warming mince pies.

She's always up earliest, the cock knows.


She'll make a good breakfast today, she vows,

The sun is peeping, the cockerel cries.

The farm wife is up before the cock crows

She's always up earliest, the cock knows.