The Valley that Calls by Deniz Besim - HTML preview

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The Woollen Coat


I loved her for me our love was my tool,

I bought her a fine coat made of sheep's wool.

Love's the way she appreciated me,

She wore my coat every single day, she

Loved the item.  We would hold hands quite tight

And the way she thought I was always right.


Even with her father I was still right,

We didn't always agree, but he'd tool

Everything I said.  His trousers wore tight

And his belly would surge over the wool

Of his jumper.  It was because of she

That he thoroughly even trusted me.


She was the only way he trusted me,

And the way he thought I was always right.

Thus, nice to be told that I'm wrong by she,

It would work well as a correction tool,

Since her coat was made of expensive wool,

And her leather belt she would buckle tight.


Every Winter I would hug her quite tight,

And gently pull her figure close to me,

In Winter she was grateful for the wool

Of the coat that she loosely would wear right

Over her stylish clothes, since style was tool

To being fashionably dressed and since she


Always was.  My coat was a statement she

Made of our love, that she would hold to tight

Since both for me and her, our love was tool.

But this sort of love was much more for me

And it was nice being told I'm always right,

To see her wear my coat made of sheep's wool


Every day.  Eventually, I wore wool

Too.  The material well worn by she,

Her friends would always complement her right

About how my gift was quite snug and tight

And fashionable.  So it convinced me

My gift was an asset to her, a tool


To fashion.  Wool, a fashionable tool,

She would pull off Fashion Week, owed to me,

Because I was right about her coat - tight.