The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – Volume 1 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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6. WOMB.


There was no mountain born on this Universe; which was more formidable than it; coming even an infinitesimal iota abreast its impregnable tenacity,


There was no fire born on this Universe; which was more vivaciously flamboyant than it; as it incessantly swirled in the aisles of vibrant compassion,


There was no color born on this Universe; which was more gorgeous than it; as it resembled the angels in the sweltering heat of the day; as well as each instant of the voluptuously alluring night,


There was no sky born on this Universe; which was more fathomless than it; as it was the procreator of every tangible entity wandering merrily on this colossal planet,


There was no flower born on this Universe; which was more fragrant than it; as it bloomed fabulously into a scent; that caressed the souls of countless loitering

aimlessly; alike,


There was no contraption born on this Universe; which was more contemporary than it; as it incredulously withstood the test of all times; evolving the most ingeniously superior organism; like brilliant streaks of white electricity in blue sky,


There was no ocean born on this Universe; which was more unfathomable than it; as it ubiquitously disseminated its waves of harmony and perennial bliss; to all those shivering in torrential pain,


There was no magnet born on this Universe; which was more attractive than it; as it captivated even the most remotely alien of persona; in its stupendously divine swirl,


There was no philosophy born on this Universe; which was more sacrosanct than it; as it preached the most holistic existence; even centuries before you were born,


There was no truth born on this Universe; which was more irrefutable than it; as it triumphantly massacred the very essence of blatant lies; from even the most oblivious wind of this gigantic earth,


There was no power born on this Universe; which was more invincible than it; as it defended you against the most mightiest of attacks; within a single wink of its eye,


There was no entertainment born on this Universe; which was more efficacious than its flurry of boisterous activity; pacifying each of your overwhelmingly frazzled  senses; with its miraculous enchantment and charm,


There was no Sun born on this Universe; which was more dazzling than it; as it spread the aura of its marvelously Omnipotent shine; to each house miserably staggering in ghastly blackness,


There was no star born on this Universe; which was more resplendent than it; as it filtered its charismatically symbiotic beams; to profoundly illuminate the disdainful caricature of unearthly darkness,


There was no wind born on this Universe; which was more serene than it; as it insurmountably mollified every traumatically agonized individual; in the river

of its unending love,


There was no bird born on this Universe; which could fly higher than it; as it indefatigably soared higher than the satiny clouds; uplifting the impoverished

into an entrenchment of celestial goodness,


There was no mysticism born on this Universe; which was more enigmatic than it; as it engulfed even the most treacherously mundane of entity in the poignantly escalating wave of its mesmerizing enthrallment,


There was no complexion born on this Universe; which was more beautiful than it; as it imparted perennial shelter to the profusely infirm; in its unbelievably passionate interiors,


There was no victory born on this Universe; which was more greater than it; as it tirelessly fought not just for itself; but for shielding the lives of boundless innocent; about to be born,


There was no tree born on this Universe; which was more bountiful than it; as it perpetually bestowed the most wonderfully priceless gift of humanity; in each hopelessly barren cranny of this gargantuan world,


There was no smile born on this Universe; which was more benevolent than it; as it magnanimously embraced even the most hideously sinister in its heavenly swirl; giving all an equal opportunity to diffuse their quota of goodness on this planet,


There was no emotion born on this Universe; which was more effusively volatile than it; as it fulminated into the most glorious catharsis of the conscience every unveiling moment; striking the chord of humanity with incomprehensible; alike,


There was no blessing born on this Universe; which was more benign than it; as it spread the sweetness of symbiotic survival; granted every philanthropic wish of yours; even before you could nimbly utter it,


There was no richness born on this Universe; which was more opulent than it; as it made you feel the most prosperous organism alive; even in infinite more births you were destined to take birth again,


There was no aroma born on this Universe; which was more Omnipresent than it; as it inhabited each dwelling where there even the most inconspicuous sign of life; relentlessly propelling the chapter of existence to continue till the time God wanted it to,


There was no enchantment born on this Universe; which was more stupefying than it; as it cast its majestically spell binding spirit; to every soul withering abominably towards the corridors of threadbare extinction,


There was no ray born on this Universe; which was more handsome than it; as it blazed a trail of ultimate splendor; even on the most pathetically dwindling paths that it caressed,


There was no energy born on this Universe; which was more everlasting than it; as it single handedly bore the brunt of all the ferociously diabolical around; unshakably rising to every ruthless disaster; like a supremely embellished princess,


There was no summit born on this Universe; which was more towering than it; as it overshadowed every shade of the invidiously evil; with its royal grace and

Omniscient light,


There was no bond born on this Universe; which was more stronger than it; as it astoundingly fortified its Oligarchic grip; upon the cradle of compassionate empathy; for unbelievable more lives to come,


There was no sword born on this Universe; which was more mightier than it; as it beheaded even the most infinitesimal of devil; lingering insidiously around its innocuously frolicking children,


There was no seed born on this Universe; which was more fertile than it; as it blossomed into a festoon of newness and excitement every unfurling minute; spawning the most exotic creation of Almighty Lord,


There was no season born on this Universe; which was more ravishing than it; as it showered its virtue of ever pervading righteousness; upon each molecule of God; in an enclosure of harmonious unity and humanitarian pride,


There was no path born on this Universe which was more enticing than it; as it unrelentingly intrigued countless; with its incomprehensibly unending prowess

to serve all mankind,

There was no continent born on this Universe; which was more fascinating than it; as it harbored each element of prosperous survival in its amicable corridors; ensuring that all those benevolent; reached the pinnacle of glittering success,


There was no honey born on this Universe; which was more sweeter than it; as it wholeheartedly distributed the winds of united existence; propagated the essence

of solidarity in every passionate heart on this earth,


There was no rainbow on this Universe; which was more magically striking than it; as it unfurled into an unsurpassable myriad of enriching shades; to grant all those deluged in drudgery; an absolute reprieve from sinful malice,


There was no soil born on this Universe; which was more ravishing than it; as it culminated into an emphatic breeze of friendship; in the most malevolent of

storm; and harmony; alike,


There was no relationship born on this Universe; which was more amiable than it; as it offered its ubiquitous wings to all those treacherously deprived who needed it; before offering them unequivocal shelter for the freezing night,


There was no artist born on this Universe; who was more passionate than it; as it assimilated all the beauty of this globe; in its cradle of ebullient happiness,


There was no sound born on this Universe; which was more melodious than it; as it euphorically sung the tunes of a splendidly incarcerating life; mitigating all those engulfed with horrifically despicable despair,


There was no meadow born on this Universe; which was more sprouting than it; as it blissfully harnessed each enlightening attribute of existence with its own blood; reinforcing each bit of the gruesomely bad; with the irrevocable thunderbolts of divine life,


There was no reflection born on this Universe; which was more marvelous than it; as it consecrated even the most lecherous bits of dilapidated ash; with the unprecedented love lingering in its soul,


There was no magic born on this Universe; which was more alluring than it; as it unbelievably spawned the most intellectual of all organisms; to save the planet from ghastly clutches of misery and stinking mice,


There was no panacea born on this Universe; which was more effective than it; as it instilled rejuvenating life in even those; well sunken in beneath their gory graves and without the slightest trace of light,


There was no mission born on this Universe; which was more fulfilling than it; as it accomplished the greatest purpose of the Almighty; by immortally continuing his sacred chapter of existence,


There was no current born on this Universe; which was more vividly passionate than it; as it evolved a complete life from just a capriciously changing conglomerate of cells and space; rambunctiously ensuring that there was not the tiniest of insinuation

of stillness or morbid malice,


There was no idea born on this Universe; which was more incarcerating than it; as it still remained the most fascinating mechanism of chiseling a perfect organism; even in a world drowned abhorrently in robotic prejudice,


There was no fashion on this Universe; which was more versatile than it; as it acclimatized itself to the most ferociously vacillating conditions; celestially metamorphosing its intricate form; every now and again; to blend with the cry

of painstakingly suffering humanity,


There was no gift on this Universe; which was more precious than it; as it manifested every person’s ultimate dream into a veritable reality; gave him a reason to live with astronomical pride; even well past his own times,


There was no longing on this Universe; which was more ardent than it; as it triggered insatiable cloudbursts of craving; for all those deplorably blind; to witness their sole messiah with golden sight,


There was no line on this Universe; which was more straighter than it; as it basked in the undefeatable glory of candid honesty; diffusing the rays of a fantastically optimistic tomorrow; as each day persevering unraveled into the queenly night,


There was no boundary on this Universe; which was more boundless than it; as it encompassed all merciful living kind; in the heavenly pace that forever enveloped its sparkling form, There was no prayer on this Universe; which was more revered than it; as it was a magical wand for pioneering all forms and fraternities of vibrant life;

sowing the cherishable seeds of a symbiotic existence, 


O! yes; it made you feel the most invincible entity on this planet till the time you were in it; bequeathing upon you an incomprehensible ardor to lead a countless more lives; when you wonderfully came out,


It was the ultimate place that you belonged to on this earth; the very reason that you were able to read and I was able to fervently write until this line; the only cradle which gave you life; the only cradle on this globe which embraced you like an angel even after your condemnable death; infact a place none other than your own blood and signature; a place none other than your MOTHERS WOMB.