The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – Volume 1 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The Dinosaur perceived it to be an inconspicuous insect; a small speck of dirt

lying sprawled amongst infinite others of its kind,


The red ants on the floor perceived it to be a colossal mountain; with black roots on its summit,


The clouds hovering in the cosmos perceived it to be; a passing draught of placid wind,


The yellow beaked birds floating in the pond; perceived it to be a flimsy fledgling having just hatched out,


The ominous reptiles slithering in unchopped meadows of grass; perceived it to

be a gigantic worm with bulging eyes,


The fiery body of sun in the sky; perceived it to a hindrance; irascibly blocking its scintillating rays,


The rustic chimpanzees perched high on the trees; perceived it to be a tiny inclusion into their vivacious tribe,


The chameleon transgressing through the incongruous bushes; perceived it to be

a gargantuan mosquito; impossible to be gobbled,


The stray dogs philandering through the desolate streets; perceived it to be a chunk of sumptuous chicken; the very sight of which made them profusely slaver at their mouths,


The obstreperously humming bees in their cat combed hives; perceived it to be an organism of their fraternity; when it incessantly cried,


The monstrous sharks in the deep ocean; perceived it to be a fragile and sticky tadpole; without its tail,


The discordantly buzzing mosquitoes; perceived it to be a blend of rich flesh and blood; a rare treat to encounter once in a while,


The silver spider entwined within the intricate threads of its web; perceived it to be a crusader; who could squelch its dwelling at any moment,


The squirrels wandering through the meandering burrows; perceived it to be a

sumptuous nut; soft and supple to nibble,

The diabolically toothed alligator in the swampy marshes; perceived it to be crunchy bread for breakfast,


The pigs ambling languidly on the streets; perceived it to be a sophisticated bundle of scented garbage,


The rats trespassing through the floors at night; perceived it to be a freshly prepared conglomerate of food,


The creator who evolved him from my womb; perceived him to be a human being; a

tangible entity out of the millions he had created,


While I perceived " MY BABY"; to be the most beautiful person in this world;

the most priceless treasure ever existing on this planet; Yes your guess is as

good as mine; for I was none other than his mother.