The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – Volume 1 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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A lock is simply useless without its key; the slender chip of squashed metal that unwinds it open,


An ocean is simply useless without its waves; the undulating swirl of frothy waters that rise and cascade down,


An eyeball is simply useless without its lids; the flexible folds of dainty skin that envelops them with glistening moisture,


A tree is simply useless without its basket of green leaves; the mushrooming buds of olive color that appear on it in infinite clusters,


A dog is simply useless without its bark; the crisp sounds that profoundly announce its presence when it opens its mouth,


A doll is simply useless without its silken hair; the artificial fronds of fluffy golden that extrude from its petite scalp,


A wall is simply useless without its conglomerate of compact bricks; a blend

of chipped stone and lime that is inevitable to make it domineeringly stand,


A bird is simply useless without its wings; the feathers that make it soar high and handsome in the sky,


An ensemble of ominous clouds is simply useless without rain; the droplets of

liquid that plummet vociferously towards the earth,


A mammoth whale is simply useless without its colossal teeth; the diabolical

pair of jaws which pulverizes its prey to inconspicuous shreds of bone,


A pentagon shaped diamond is simply useless without its shine; the scintillating glimmer that grants it the stupendous status of being the king of jewels,


A sacrosanct and rollicking cow is simply useless without its milk; the frosty pearls of life that trickle from its teats,


A slithering reptile is simply useless without its venom; the lethal poison that imparts it deadly tenacity to strangulate breath,


A century old giant watch is simply useless without its long needles; the lanky strips of iron which incessantly display accurate time,


A spider is simply useless without its silken web; the mystical strands of shimmering silver; on which it remains suspended till the time it lives,


A chunk of plain bread is simply useless without dazzling butter; the tangy taste that titillates the mouth when munched passionately with the same,


A slimy frog is simply useless without its cacophonic croak; its hoarse voice that wrecks out the last ounce of blissful sleep from all those in vicinity,


A scorpion is simply useless without is pugnacious sting; the animosity in its fangs; which bursts uninhibitedly when it strikes,


A cactus is simply useless without its thorns; the knife like protrusions which prevents it from being gobbled up,


A fan is simply useless without its blades; the white metal which generates tumultuous draughts of wind,


An elephant is simply useless without its tusks; the obdurate horns of ivory which portray its majesty; which help him uproot mighty trees,


A devil is simply useless without its satanic visage; the ghastly traces of malice hidden deep within his eyes, his thunderous voice which scares scores of innocuous  individuals,


And man is simply useless without the mother who gave him birth; the girl who

loves him beyond limits of comprehension; who alongwith him is instrumental in

delivering the next generation; the people of tomorrow.