The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – Volume 1 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The greatest curse even after the most spell bindingly fructifying rain had fallen on blissful ground; was when the soil still didn’t burgeon the slightest; into the most brilliantly optimistic fruits of a resplendent tomorrow,


The greatest curse even after the most frostily undulating of waves had kissed the shores; was when the atmosphere still didn’t culminate the slightest; into the most rejuvenating sprays of unparalleled tanginess,


The greatest curse even after the most rhapsodically rambunctious bees had inhabited the hives; was when the crevices still didn’t scintillate the slightest; with the most poignantly enamoring cisterns of bewitching nectar,


The greatest curse even after the most blazingly dynamic of Sun had smooched the earth; was when the air still didn’t evolve the slightest; into the most unflinchingly unfettered beams of a victoriously fresh beginning,


The greatest curse even after the most beautifully enchanting of meadows had bathed under profoundly invincible moonlight; was when the grassblades still didn’t ooze the slightest; into the most tantalizingly euphoric of golden dewdrops,


The greatest curse even after the most candidly poignant mirror was placed beneath the pellucid afternoon Sun; was when the glass still didn’t reflect the slightest; into the most irrefutably truthful images of the soul,


The greatest curse even after the most iridescently silken moon twinkled in treacherously ghastly midnight; was when the darkness still didn’t dance the

slightest; into the most perennially effulgent beams of enlightenment,


The greatest curse even after the most ebullient waterfalls of newborn water cascaded merrily at the rock bottom; was when the pathways still didn’t flower the slightest; into the most undaunted skies of ubiquitous excitement,


The greatest curse even after the most mellifluously congenial lips heavenly opened; was when the ambience still didn’t reverberate the slightest; into the most magically ameliorating tunes of compassionate togetherness,


The greatest curse even after the most altruistically benign saints endlessly sermonized the principles of peace and truth; was when the living organisms still

didn’t bloom the slightest; into the most uninhibitedly priceless bonds of impregnable



The greatest curse even after the most insuperable foundations of selflessness  stretched to an infinite kilometers beneath soil; was when the structure still

didn’t waft the slightest; into the most Omnipotent apogees of unconquerable truth,


The greatest curse even after the most fearlessly peerless of patriots had shed their lives in the numbers of an infinite; was when the commoners still didn’t blaze the slightest; into the most celestial ideals of concord; symbiotism and everlasting freedom,


The greatest curse even after the most incomparably venerated cows grazed for hours immemorial; was when the teats still didn’t ripen the slightest; into the most infallibly impeccable globules of undefeated milk,


The greatest curse even after the most innocuously freshborn infant footsteps traversed indefinitely on ground; the pathways still didn’t spawn the slightest; into the most unlimited heavens of immeasurable holiness,


The greatest curse even after the most gloriously scarlet of roses swished in the vibrantly ecstatic breeze; the wind still didn’t enlighten the slightest; into the most unbridled gorges of unbelievably victorious scent,


The greatest curse even after the most honestly compassionate of parents dedicated every instant of their life to their offsprings; was when the children didn’t emanate the slightest; into the most limitlessly enthralling rainbows of unshakable gratitude,


The greatest curse even after the most eternally undying of nostrils tirelessly exhaled perpetual breath; was when the soul didn’t culminate the slightest; into the most Omnipresently mesmerizing traces of vivid life,


The greatest curse even after the most immortally passionate of heart exuded a boundless beats; was when the palpitations didn’t mushroom the slightest; into

the most Omnipotent paradises of unadulterated love,


And the greatest curse even after the most astoundingly virile of man and woman coalesced in the threads of sacred matrimony; was when the dwelling still didn’t glisten the slightest; into the most miraculously mischievous children of a quintessentially blessed God’s creation