The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – Volume 1 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Of course there were billions who called me a blighted coward; not attending corporate office for even one single day in my entire life; eccentrically sequestering myself from the entire Universe; to indefatigably pen priceless poetry,


Of course there were billions who called me an ugly duckling; as virtually every conceivable cranny of my skin; was perniciously maligned with an infinite

pigments of murderously cannibalistic blackness,


Of course there were billions who called me obsessively delirious; for seizing upon the most ephemerally non-existent ingredients of the atmosphere; and then inexplicably pursuing the same till the aisles of infinite infinity,


Of course there were billions who called me unceremoniously bohemian; for existing so unabashedly rustically in the heart of the extraordinarily contemporary society; even after receiving the best education of my times,


Of course there were billions who called me flagrantly doomed; for so openly castigating every established norm of the turgidly conventional society; trying to

defy the mortuary of robotic shrewdness; with the clouds of immortal love,


Of course there were billions who called me an absolutely dogmatic fool; for expending every bit of my hard earned wealth; to forever unite two jilted lovers horrendously separated due to differences of the currency coin,


Of course there were billions who called me pugnaciously ballistic; as I instantaneously swished the gleaming sword from my scepter; at the tiniest insinuation of danger or gratuitous invasion to my motherland,


Of course there were billions who called me fecklessly truthful loser; as I chose to tread on the path of infallible righteousness laden with a zillion acrimonious thorns; rather than easily galloping on the shortcuts to success; which so copiously inhabited

planet earth today,


Of course there were billions who called me cursedly impotent; as I had my very first child several years after marriage; and after a countless visits to every Omnipotent temple; church; monastery and mosque on this boundlessly blessed planet,


Of course there were billions who called me salaciously sinful; as I insuperably believed that perennially unshakable marriage happened the instant both hearts met; and without the tiniest of ceremony or sanctimoniously rigorous tradition,


Of course there were billions who called me bizarrely agnostic; as I didn’t believe in several God’s/Goddesses; but timelessly envisaged the Creator to be

undefeatedly one,


Of course there were billions who called me blasphemously unforgivable; as I uninhibitedly philandered with a countless women all my life; profoundly and inevitably attracted to the unlimited fructification of the female kind,


Of course there were billions who called me cadaverously jinxed; as every tangible or intangible project that I undertook in the tenure of my impoverished life;  treacherously landed me upside down into the most wretchedly penalizing of my grave,


Of course there were billions who called me deplorably impractical; as every decision of mine taken from the heart found me haplessly begging on the sordidly cold-blooded streets; whilst those with an articulately pragmatic mind; astutely raced forward in the most brilliantly opulent of Mercedes,


Of course there were billions who called me worthlessly artistic; as although I’d sketched an infinite paintings; yet they still lay despicably decaying under the most blazing of Sun; for severely indispensable want of true takers and connoisseurs,


Of course there were billions who called me inveterately feminine; as I unlimitedly desired to cuddle inside the compassionate interiors of my dwelling all night and day; tirelessly fantasizing and altruistically contenting myself to just household chores,


Of course there were billions who called me intolerably eccentric; as every single habit and action of mine led me further and further into the most ominously blackened labyrinths of reclusiveness; being so extraordinarily different from the rest of the world outside,


Of course there were billions who called me an escapist misanthrope; as I shrugged almost every other human on this endlessly burgeoning planet; for still being a slave of commercially diabolical politics; when infact Omnipresent Universe was created; is; and shall forever remain ecstatically free,  


And then there was this sole and only voice of my new born daughter amidst all this iconoclastic mayhem; inimitably calling me “Father”; which perpetually bestowed upon me the power to unflinchingly tower over each of one of these billions; which perpetually bestowed upon me the power to outsmart each one of these billions; which perpetually bestowed upon me the power to conquer the venomous devil in each one of these billions