The Womb – Poems on Mother , Father , Children , Parenthood – Volume 1 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When I was with them; I felt as if all my tensions had waded forever into thin wisps of oblivion; profoundly enthused by their smiles,


When I was with them; I felt the most strongest entity alive; ready to plunge on into the valley of brazing adventure; with both my eyes tightly closed,


When I was with them; I felt all my unfinished longings come to a celestial rest; cuddling their marvelously innocent chin,


When I was with them; I felt as if all crime on earth had ceased; profusely blending with the Omnipotent light in their eyes,


When I was with them; I felt that there were angels wandering on every quarter of the planet; fervently captivated by the captivating enigma in their persona,


When I was with them; I felt enveloped by boundlessly enthralling colors of harmony; incredulously spell bound by the immaculate melody that drifted spontaneously from their mouths,


When I was with them; I felt as if I had washed all my sins of past life; ecstatically hoisting their eternal visages upon my shoulders,


When I was with them; I felt adorned in an ocean of mesmerizing silk; watching them rhapsodically roll and frolic in the shimmering sands,


When I was with them; I felt floating in a land of surreal enchantment; as they astoundingly rejoiced in an entrenchment of their own; far away from the world

of manipulative lechery and sin,


When I was with them; I felt reborn every unfurling minute; as they blossomed into relentlessly tireless energy; exuberantly cascading into a stream of perpetual  happiness,


When I was with them; I felt as if God was with me on every step I tread; insatiably lost in their rampantly innocent freedom; diffusing into a cloud of unparalleled entertainment,


When I was with them; I felt inundated with unprecedented joy; transiting back into realms of fantastically charming childhood; as they stirred the inner most chords of my heart; with the majestic harmony in their voice,


When I was with them; I felt discovering an incomprehensible battalion of excitement every instant; witnessing the everlasting newness in their souls,


When I was with them; I felt as if I belonged to the most complete family on this planet; no longer feeling that I was an impoverished again,


When I was with them; I felt all my disastrously frazzled senses replenish with the ultimate gifts of life; as they immortalized the spirit of existence with the  enchantment of their hearts,


When I was with them; I felt as secure as I used too in my perished mothers lap; as they uninhibitedly embraced me; without their blood being exactly the same as mine,


When I was with them; I felt the gorgeous skies shower upon countless blessings upon mankind; as they disseminated the perennial message of Omnipresent love

and peace to the most obsolete corner of this Universe,


When I was them; I felt the most irrefutably richest man alive without a penny in my ragamuffin pockets; as I held their spotlessly truthful bodies close to mine,


For these children were the best thing that could have happened to the core of vindictively fighting earth; as I ardently prayed to Almighty Lord; to once again

transform me into a child.