Who's Kidding Who? by Christine Stromberg - HTML preview

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Waking as a beached whale

I slowly, imperceptibly,

transform myself into a seal

but still barely move at all,

battling with gravity.


Every inch of me pulsates,

harmonising with my heart

as, dry-mouthed, I

think my thoughts

and wait

for the tide.






Last Night


Last night was the worst I ever had.

I've had some nights, but this was Bad.

Hot and sticky, I lay awake

aware of every pain and ache.


Pains in fingers, pains in toes,

a bad sore throat and a stuffed up nose.

On top of that this crazy eye

that's either weeping or far too dry.


Heartburn, that's a constant curse

to add to the list and make things worse

plus indigestion, gas on tap,

enough to make anyone feel like crap.


Limbs that twitched and jumped around,

a heartbeat equally unsound,

swollen feet and ankles too -

what on earth was I to do?


Honey helped to ease the throat

and mastic left a sweeter note

but there was nothing to be done

about the heat.  Turn off the sun!


I did sleep briefly, twice, last night

but woke up both times in a fright:

nightmares, something rare with me;

making up for it, obviously.


Finally I slept, and how,

and do feel somewhat better now

but if that's all old age has in store

it's not worth waiting round here for.

© 2006



A Prayer

Lord of the universe, powers that be,

send some energy, please, to me.

Give me the strength to leave my bed,

to realise whats in my head.

It's so very hard to cope this way,

with less and less stamina every day.

So, please, if someone is listening there,

have a heart, please, hear my prayer.

But if that's not part of the grand design

then show me another way to shine;

some help perhaps, some kindly soul

who'll enable me to reach my goal

of simply being what I should be,

before you set my spirit free.


© 2007



The Grey Ones


We cling to shreds of self respect

as all we were just slips away;

watch, with fading intellect,

our lives and loves as they decay.


Like members of some strange new sect

we close our eyes and seem to pray,

bow our heads and genuflect

as energy just ebbs away.


Nothing works as we expect;

limbs and fingers disobey.

People now and then suspect

we're drunk, regard us with dismay.


We do attempt to sit erect

and stay awake throughout the day

but, slowly, as our powers defect

we slump, with faces white as whey.


So if you think that you detect

a lack of willingness to play

you'd almost - almost - be correct

but it's not apathy, per se.


We have to jealously protect

the little strength we have each day;

eke out the energy, reject

activities that make us pay.


      We try to hide that we neglect

ourselves and let things go astray;

our conversation circumspect

as life gets harder every day.


Life is lived in retrospect;

betraying us, our bodies sway.

Please think about what you expect

of such as we, whose lives are grey.

© 2007