Who's Kidding Who? by Christine Stromberg - HTML preview

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Bad To Worse.



Things just go from bad to worse;

this illness, like some awful curse,

has robbed me of the will to live.

My brain's as leaky as a sieve


despite the fish oil - recommended -

with the evening primrose blended

swallowed umpteen times a day.

(How do you keep the taste away?)


Pills and capsules by the score

make each meal a dreadful bore,

keep me ticking over, just,

help to stop encroaching rust.


Somehow though it hardly matters.

Long held dreams are all in tatters.

Hope, a cold unfaithful lover,

left me, naked 'neath the cover.


Far too old before my time,

all reason gone, though I still rhyme.

When that deserts me - well, what then?

Breathe a sigh and count to ten?


Shuffle through another day,

life is in such disarray.

What's the point of living such

endless days of nothing much?


Wait! What's this? A quick e-note.

A man in Dorset - with a boat -

wants to write and be my friend.

Wonder where this one will end.


Plus a former lover sent

an instant message, passion-bent.

Men arrive like buses do:

none at all or else there's two!


No, I will not meet with either

I'm not really in a fever.

Sadly I'll accept my fate.

It's just fun to contemplate.



© 2007



Life? What Life?


Things are getting even worse;

perhaps I'm under some sort of curse.

I find it increasingly hard to walk

and now I croak instead of talk.


My batteries are almost flat

and that is all there is to that.

Who will bring me a bit of cheer?

No-one, for there's no-one here.


I stumble and fumble like some old drunk,

my house is increasingly full of junk,

if something doesn't change round here

I'm simply going to disappear.


Constantly swooning, light in the head

even when lying in my bed!

It's a poor excuse for a life I suppose;

though some have worse ones, goodness knows.


When they handed out lives I must have misheard:

the thought of a wife would have seemed absurd

but now that's the very thing I need!

If they let me start over I'll pay more heed. 


© 2010



A Study in Monochrome



Today my little patch of sky

is uniformly white.  Dirty white

not starched and pressed;

no hint of colour cheers it.

Veiled by greying net and lace

which dips diagonally down

to a tangle of treetops

still dark in their winter garb

which, in turn, partly mask

the deep grey of

a building in silhouette

it presents a dreary view,

a study in monochrome.



© 2010



Always The Same


Today I woke as dawn broke,

the barely lightened sky appearing

grey through the window net

while, below, the other

now green network

allowed glimpses of

yellow lights, some still,

some moving,

even this early.


My window on the world,

always the same yet

always different.


© 2010



Another New Day


Another day, another view,

no flash of gold, no hint of blue.

The sky is low, a dirty white,

in no way an inspiring sight


yet nature triumphs once again

for, on my window, spots of rain

become as jewels, diamond bright,

as passing cars bestow their light.



Another Day, Another View


Today I slept for many hours and woke to a surprise:

my  legs were looking normal - that is in terms of size.

Swollen for the longest time, with ankles well obscured,

I now see ankle bones again and feel quite reassured.


The muscles, which I knew I had, I now can see with ease;

it makes a change from lower legs like logs below the knees.

It seems I need more time in bed, a boring proposition;

without a man about the place it's quite an imposition!


However, all that blood that pooled below my knees of yore

should now enrich my brain again and get me thinking more.

I guess this is desirable, though I'll let you decide.

I'm not too sure, with things like this, I'm really qualified.

© 2010



A Little Luxury


Looking up at an azure sky

as the smallest of fluffy white clouds drift by

foam tipped wavelets lap lazily.

A cooling breeze wafts over me

as sounds of traffic assail my ears.


You might suppose an idyllic scene,

a beach perhaps,  but no, not so;

the sky I watch is just as blue

seen through an open window

from whence comes the cooling breeze.


The wavelets I generate myself

as I wallow in my bath.



© 2010



A Life of Sorts


I wake, I sleep, I eat, I breath,

it's life - but only just.

Hope, as the morning mist, is gone;

dreams all turned to dust.


© 2010