With These Four: Keep me in Mind by Atiya Imani - HTML preview

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Things I Learned in Saint Country



we dat


the tree will still be good as long as there’s underneath some water 


the people are waterproof 


there’s a jazz piano that plays from the inside of the weathered old opera house on Burgundy--we sat on the stoned steps, and they played for only us





it’s no coincidence that the sky and the ocean are the same place 


the devil could only be as bad as what plain eyes see—everything else is God

after destruction—everything else is God–still God 

That–stillness is what God’s people are made of 

there were close to 2 million alligators

swimming through the city when Katrina hit


There are 2 million alligators still swimming through the city 15 years after Katrina hit


They used water as a weapon; a hit man against the tribe--but everything else was God 




black people are handpicked by creators 

black people are protected by creation 

creating is in a Black person's soul

creating ways out of no way and bringing melodies out of heaven with a drumstick & feathers


when someone gives you, directions look for it in French with your eyes



If the waters couldn’t gentrify the place, the other people can’t muscle the wave 


there’s a 15-year-old flower there that grows the color of Mid-City 

opens like every colored lotus in Japan and burst to remind its people of the sun—connects the soil to the root—that makes depression impossible---that makes anxiety smile 


everything the city lost has been recycled back into the walls of the wind 



 a trombone can be used as a walking stick 

 and a walking stick, an instrument for beating on their ground that bounces back like a drum 


black boys are born directly into who they are

Before they are taught who they aren’t 


as long as you have an instrument in your hands you don’t have a curfew 

Elders are respected 

Spirits have keys to the front door 




All they care about is if you have a good liver & a good kidney 


everything else is the small stuff & they don’t sweat the small stuff in Saint Country