You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 10 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Just a single droplet of water; could never ever in its most eccentrically wildest of dream; envisage of filling up the entire fathomless ocean,

But the limitlessly enthralling ocean whether disdainfully empty or full; could handsomely accommodate an infinite droplets of water; even when perpetually asleep and  without the slightest of inhibition .


Just a single succulent fruit; could never ever in its most bizarrely evanescent of dream; perceive of filling up the entire gigantic tree,

But the bountifully ebullient tree whether gruesomely empty or full; could majestically accommodate an infinite fruits; even when perpetually asleep and without

the slightest of inhibition .


Just a single grain of brazen sand; could never ever in its most obliviously

staggering of dream; conceive of filling up the entire boundless desert,

But the endlessly sweltering desert whether tawdrily empty or full; could infallibly accommodate an infinite sand grains; even when perpetually asleep and without

the slightest of inhibition .


Just a single virile seed; could never ever in its most obsoletely dilapidated of dream; visualize of filling up the entire inexhaustible meadow,

But the bounteously fructifying meadow whether salaciously empty or full; could unflinchingly accommodate an infinite seeds; even when perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .


Just a single hillock of mud; could never ever in its most fugitively parsimonious of dream; anticipate of filling up the entire unfathomable mountain,

But the indomitably gargantuan mountain whether hideously empty or full; could aristocratically accommodate an infinite hillocks of mud; even when perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .


Just a single ray of dazzling light; could never ever in its most obscurely extinguishing of dream; cognize of filling up the entire unconquerable Sun,

But the triumphantly Omnipotent Sun whether bawdily empty or full; could

uninhibitedly accommodate an infinite rays of light; even when perpetually

asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .


Just a single puff of air; could never ever in its most fecklessly disappearing of dream; contemplate of filling up the entire victorious atmosphere,

But the effulgently unending Atmosphere whether treacherously empty or full;

could jubilantly accommodate an infinite puffs of air; even when perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .


Just a single iridescent star; could never ever in its most forlornly vanishing of dream; imagine of filling up the entire unfettered cosmos,

But the ever-pervadingly enigmatic cosmos whether sleazily empty or full; could symbiotically accommodate an infinite twinkling stars; even when perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .


Just a single speck of ice; could never ever in its most ethereally miserly of dream; envision of filling up the entire unassailable avalanche,

But the inscrutably Herculean avalanche whether dastardly empty or full; could incredulously accommodate an infinite specks of pristine ice; even when perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .


Just a single comprehensible word; could never ever in its most transiently

diminishing of dream; contemplate of filling up the entire unceasing dictionary,

But the spectacularly sagacious dictionary whether ignominiously empty or full; could wonderfully accommodate an infinite prudent words; even when perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .


Just a single uncanny color; could never ever in its most preposterously deteriorating of dream; think of filling up the entire unbelievable rainbow,

But the stupendously fantastic rainbow whether worthlessly empty or full; could magically accommodate an infinite tranquil colors; even when perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .


Just a single ferocious lion; could never ever  in his most remotely collapsing of dream; fathom of filling up the entire bewitching forest,

But the endlessly bewildering forest whether inanely empty or full; could handsomely accommodate an infinite untamed lions; even when perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .


Just a single holistic second; could never ever in its most pathetically evaporating of dream; comprehend of filling up the entire eventful year,

But the amazingly marathon year whether lividly empty or full; could blissfully accommodate an infinite punctilious seconds; even when perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .


Just a single breathing organism; could never ever in its most victimizingly flailing of dream; picture of filling up the entire enamoring earth,

But the inimitably unparalleled earth whether punitively empty or full; could ebulliently accommodate an infinite living organisms; even when perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .


Just a single redolent root; could never ever in its most penuriously dwindling of dream; foresee of filling up the entire synergistic plant,

But the compassionately effervescent plant whether deliriously empty or

full; could easily accommodate an infinite fragrant roots; even when

perpetually asleep and without the slightest of inhibition .


But just a single beat of immortal love; was enough to enshroud the entire

passionately throbbing heart with an unlimited cistern of companionship; companionship and only eternally blossoming companionship,


Whereas the unceasingly palpitating heart; wholesomely and upfront refused

to accommodate an infinite beats; as it was just that single beat of love that had spelt perpetual magic upon it; had enslaved it in Omnipotently invincible entirety;  not only for this birth; but for an infinite more lives and lifetimes yet to come .