You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 10 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me ; as for me she was the most beautifully emollient girl on this fathomless Universe; whose scent of philanthropic humanity transcended me to a level greater than the Gods,


I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me

she was the most resplendently enamoring girl on this boundless Universe;

whose infallibly unflinching optimism aroused me from even the most ghastliest of my corpse,


I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most sensuously inebriating girl on this limitless Universe; whose tantalizingly undefeated shadows put my soul to an eternal trance,


I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most mellifluously vivid girl on this timeless Universe; whose royally humanitarian voice; put an abrupt end to all my satanic miseries and sorrow,


I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most astoundingly eclectic girl on this ebullient Universe; whose divinely splendor metamorphosed me into an atmosphere of inimitable pricelessness,


I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most benevolently fragrant girl on this gigantic Universe; whose altruistic simplicity perpetuated me to dedicate my entire life to the service of all living kind,


I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most triumphantly truthful girl on this limitless Universe; whose essence of unparalleled righteousness granted me more and more strength to combat all parasitically evil; every unfurling minute of the day,


I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most endlessly enchanting girl on this unceasing Universe; whose spell bindingly innocuous eyes made me a grasshopper ardently hopping under the rain,


I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most artistically gifted girl on this effulgent Universe; whose unassailable virility engendered me to proliferate into infinite more of my synergistic kind,


I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most boisterously effervescent girl on this unconquerable Universe; whose perennially undying energy made me inexhaustibly surge forward towards the ultimate mission and epitome of my life,

I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most blessedly impeccable girl on this ever-pervading Universe; whose aristocratically rubicund lips wholesomely sealed every pathway of ruthless devastation in my life,


I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most indomitably ecstatic girl on this amazing Universe; whose one fugitive glance made me feel as if I was the richest entity on earth alive,


I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most inimitably enigmatic girl on this undaunted Universe; whose ravishingly nubile skin ignited tremors of unprecedented exhilaration in my mind; body and soul,


I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most brilliantly endowed girl on this inscrutable Universe; whose intrepidly tingling trails propelled me to adventure fearlessly bare-chested for the remainder of my life,


I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most pristinely unfettered girl on this iridescent Universe; whose insuperably venerated eyelashes tirelessly signaled to me to embrace the religion of egalitarian humanity,


I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most beautifully bountiful girl on this unbelievable Universe; whose singleton hiss of the throat made me feel as if the entire planet around; was my unshakable friend,


I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most indisputably faithful girl on this colossal Universe; whose Omnipotent sincerity forever made me envisage planet earth as a sky of united innovation,


I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most fierily euphoric girl on this perspicacious Universe; whose articulately celestial fingers oozed a cistern of perennial nectar on even the most hopelessly barren path that I transgressed,


And I really didn’t think as to whether or not she thought about me; as for me she was the most immortally passionate girl on this unbridled Universe; whose every unconquerable heartbeat drew me more closer and closer to her divinely form; and without even me and her realizing the slightest; made us forever and ever and ever  as “Husband & Wife” .