You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 10 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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For me to bond with her was as important; as was disseminating flamboyant light all day to the gruesomely staggering earth; for the Omnipotent Sun,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was tirelessly showering bountiful droplets of rain upon dreadfully parched soil; for the voluptuously crimson clouds,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was majestically oozing unfathomable tons of sparkling honey with the exuberant breeze; for the boisterously flirtatious honey bee,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was fulminating the inner most arenas of his heart and soul into an unsurpassable valley of vivacious graciousness; for the celestially wandering artist,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was replenishing itself with  quintessentially ingratiating droplets of water; for the traumatically agonized and

scorched throat,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was enchanting diffusing into an endless entrenchment of astoundingly spell binding rhyme; for the melodiously

blessed nightingale,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was ubiquitously disseminating its scent of poignantly handsome friendship; for the vibrantly ravishing and eternally exotic rose,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was iridescently un unfurling into a river of mystically milky pearls; for the gloriously regale and fascinating stars,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was ubiquitously propagating the message of unconquerably heavenly peace; for the harbingers of egalitarian humanity,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was exultatingly jubilant and cardinally crimson blood; for the intricately sensitive veins,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was intransigently fantasizing in the realms of fabulously blessed paradise; for the walls of infinite infinity,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was towering as the most unparalleled conqueror; for the irrevocably Herculean and invincibly supreme mountain tips,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was fabulously disintegrating into a countless billion pieces; for the tumultuously descending and poignantly pristine avalanche,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was sporting an immaculate blanket of heavenly mesmerizing fur; for the timelessly humble and innocent sheep,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was portraying an unequivocally candid reflection; for the flamingly eloquent and scintillating mirror,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was gargantuan lakes of virgin water; for the impeccably gliding and heavenly fish,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was romancing in inexorably  wonderful titillation; for the charismatically incarcerating eyelashes,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was the art of culminating into rhythmically incanting sound; for the rosily forked and fantastically tangy tongue,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was the unfettered sailing on gigantically stormy ocean waters; for the harmoniously crafted and brimming to

capacity; passenger ship,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was the art of indispensably ardent sustenance; for the miserably slavering beggar,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was unraveling into a tale of  reinvigoratingly tangy froth after clashing against the shores; for the aristocratically undulating waves,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was tranquil waves of gregariously serene and rejuvenating shade; for the preposterously dreary and horrifically

staggering traveler,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was boundless rivers of unblemished mother’s milk; for the freshly born and divinely wailing infant,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was enthrallingly ecstatic rainbows to spawn up in the oligarchic cosmos; after it rained euphorically under the dazzlingly profound rays of the midday Sun,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was for the spirit to holistically liberate from the immaculate body; after veritably inevitable and absolute death,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was tears of happiness to flow after witnessing its departed ones; for the wonderfully princely and emphatically eclectic eye,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was bouncing in the aisles of uncontrollably uninhibited and untamed mischief; for the incessantly winking



For me to bond with her was as important; as was wholesomely freeing every iota of his irrefutably sacrosanct motherland; for the patriotically unflinching and valiantly intrepid soldier,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was the chapter of timelessly magnificent proliferation and opalescently blossoming newness; for the Omnisciently

Almighty Lord,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was the dance of perennial glory in torrentially seductive rain; for the majestic winged and blissful peacock,


For me to bond with her was as important; as was inhaling limitless gallons of effulgently Omnipotent air; for the miserably impoverished and diminutive nostril,


And for me to bond with her was as important; as was unleashing into a Universe of unassailably immortal love; for the passionately thundering and compassionately honest heart .