You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 10 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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My eyes might have innocuously closed umpteenth number of times; in the tenure of my impoverished and short life,

But it was only when they felt your celestially compassionate palms on them; that they fell into a spell of invincibly everlasting sleep .


My lips might have wholesomely unfurled a boundless number of times; in the space of my disastrously stumbling and battered life,

But it was only when they felt your perennially unassailable kiss on their devastated contours; that they lit up into the most stupendously philanthropic smiles .


My armpits might have diffused into an infinite globules of sweat; in the course of my disdainfully pulverized and truculently bereaved life,

But it was only when they felt your impeccably enamoring visage by their side; that they blossomed into the truly persevering essence of vibrantly mesmerizing and enigmatic existence .


My brain might have rampantly fantasized a countless number of times; in the lugubrious wandering of my aimlessly loitering life,

But it was only when it conceived and felt your divinely energy to the fullest capacity; that it transcended beyond the realms of ecstatically replenishing paradise .


My legs might have transgressed an unfathomable number of steps; in the expedition of my indefatigably vacillating and frantic life,

But it was only when they felt your bountifully silken stride beside them; that they perpetually radiated the sparkle of irrefutably unconquerable triumph; for centuries immemorial .


My persona might have exuded into an incomprehensible number of goose-bumps; in the dilapidated entrenchment of my painstakingly obsessive and penalizing life,

But it was only when it felt your ingratiatingly compassionate warmth; that it uncontrollably erupted into tremors of insatiably unparalleled excitement .


My throat might have quavered an unsurpassable number of times; in the debilitating unraveling of my obnoxiously asphyxiated and lackadaisical life,

But it was only when it felt your unbelievably sacred breath; that it beautifully bloomed into the most majestically aristocratic of patriotic tunes .


My fists might have clenched a fathomless number of times; in the vicious maelstrom of my inexplicably mystical and insanely cold-blooded life,

But it was only when they felt your Omnipotent fingers intertwined in them; that they unflinchingly rose and altruistically sacrificed themselves; for the cause of humanitarian righteousness .

And my heart might have throbbed a limitless number of times; in the  inconspicuously insipid and baselessly worthless fragment of my life,

But it was only when your immortally blessing beats bonded with mine; that it not only fell in unconquerable love with you; but with every element of enchanting goodness and benign beauty; on the Almighty Creator’s planet divine .