You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 13 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Kissing the scarlet rose profusely; made me feel as if I was timelessly wandering in bountifully fragrant paradise; wholesomely oblivious to the uncouthly monotonous vagaries of the manipulative world outside,


Kissing the undulating waves intransigently; made me feel as if I had transited back into mischievously tangy childhood; with the ravishingly frothy salt marvelously replenishing every iota of my disastrously bedraggled countenance,


Kissing the seductive clouds ethereally; made me feel as if I was romancing with the most astoundingly ultimate fantasy of my life; compassionately caressing the winds of grandiloquent majesty; for centuries immemorial,


Kissing the robustly gregarious fruits poignantly; made me feel as if I was perennially radiating in the pristine prime of youth; blissfully blossoming into a glittering ocean of untamed energy and exhilarating newness,


Kissing the scintillating pearls congenially; made me feel as if I was celestially basking in the glory of profound aristocracy; exquisitely draping each element of my impoverished countenance; with unbelievably enthralling resplendence,


Kissing the brilliant Sunshine ebulliently; made me feel as if I was blazingly surging forward even in the most savagely acrimonious of winds; blazed in torrential fireballs of benign enlightenment; for infinite more births yet to unveil,


Kissing the tantalizing dewdrops ardently; made me feel as if royally feasting in the aisles of beautifully vibrant yearning; bequeathing a legacy of oligarchic fascination; on every mesmerizing step that I tread,


Kissing the vivacious rainbow boisterously; made me feel as if flamboyantly marching towards the doorsteps of irrefutably righteous triumph; dancing in the mists of unfathomable longing; with the Omnipotent shadow of the Lord as my sole savior,


Kissing the milky moon phlegmatically; made me feel as if profoundly encapsulated with heavenly illumination from all sides; an altruistic tranquility which drifted me off; into a sparkling slumber,


Kissing the corrugated soil thunderously; made me feel as if I had unassailably discovered my priceless rudiments; irrevocably propelling me to forever exist;

only as the philanthropic harbinger of humanity,


Kissing the velvety grass surreally; made me feel as if infinite dormant pores of my dwindling visage had miraculously rejuvenated once again; piquantly tingling me towards a fabulous new chapter of exuberant existence,


Kissing the frolicking butterfly wonderfully; made me feel as if ecstatically leaping on the innocuous summits of humbly bestowing creation; unsurpassably relishing and assimilating the vividly enamoring treasures of this Universe,


Kissing the ingratiating waterfalls intrepidly; made me feel as if swaying in an enchantingly melodious entrenchment of eternal sound; whispering the innermost desires of my soul; uninhibitedly to the panoramic world around,


Kissing the sweating tree stems holistically; made me feel as if perseverance was the richest of all treasures in life; ubiquitously flowering into a civilization of unprecedented togetherness,


Kissing the blistering lion fearlessly; made me feel as if I could now confront even the most tumultuously acrimonious disaster in life; tackle the worst of deadly catastrophes with prolific dexterity and spell binding rhetoric,


Kissing the impeccably virile milk emphatically; made me feel as if I was the most innocent organism alive; unequivocally washing all my inadvertently committed

sins; in the aura of invincible honesty,


Kissing the candle of truth innocuously; made me feel as if a sagaciously blessed molecule of Almighty God; rendering my gorgeously selfless service; to unassailably enlighten every quarter of the miserably beleaguered society,


Kissing the sensuous evening nostalgically; made me feel as if romantically philandering in wisps of spell binding titillation and indefatigable charisma;

surrendering every element of my diminutive countenance; to the

artistic kaleidoscope of twilight,

And kissing you on your divinely lips unconquerably; O! beloved; made me not only feel; but immortally fall in love; harness its most stupendously ecstatic virtues; for countless more births of mine; of course with your heart; soul and breath; always and

irrefutably by my side .