You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 13 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Was it the seductively charismatic smile on your lips; that made me timelessly philander through the hills of; overwhelmingly rhapsodic happiness ?


Was it the ingratiating titillation on your majestic eyelashes; that metamorphosed me into a profusely compassionate philosopher; incinerated the hurricane of untamed desire in my eyes; even in the heart of the disastrously deadened night ?


Was it the jubilant tinges of poignant crimson on your rubicund cheeks; that tumultuously evoked me to dance relentlessly in the aisles of magnificent yearning;

for times immemorial ?


Was it the scarlet streams of blood in your royal veins; that intransigently made me embrace the religion of humanity; blend with all religion; caste; creed and color alike; in invincible reservoirs of mankind ?


Was it the marvelously mischievous flirtation in your stride; that made me boisterously bounce in the gardens of fascinatingly nubile youth; perpetually feel that I was that immaculately silken child once again ?


Was it the stupendously enchanting melody in your blissful voice; that made me frolic exuberantly under the fathomless carpet of vivacious sky; exhilaratingly enthuse every pore of my countenance; with the golden rain that thunderously pelted down ?


Was it the scintillating white in your graciously charming teeth; that made me indefatigably innovate in the lanes of blossoming newness; carve a bountiful niche of my own; to blazingly exist amidst the pack of savage wolves ?


Was it the aristocratic river of silver sweat dribbling celestially down your shoulders; that made me patriotically relinquish even the last iota of breath for my revered motherland; exotically relishing every passing wind of mystical life ?


Was it the unsurpassable artistry in your honey coated fingers; that made me irrefutably adore and appreciate every element of panoramic beauty on this colossal

Universe; coalesce each cranny of my soul forever with God’s endowment of wonderful creation ?


Was it the unfathomably unending ecstasy in each quarter of your flesh; that made me romance in the fragrant cisterns of paradise for infinite more births yet to unveil; wholesomely oblivious to the murderously manipulative vagaries of this gruesomely

tyrannical society ?


Was it the incomprehensible titillation that tantalizingly wafted from your belly; that made me wander like an embellished prince through the lanes of incredulously grandiloquent fantasy; made me unfurl into a festoon of glorious Omnipotence ?


Was it the queenly island of lines on your intricately heavenly palms; that handsomely evolved every path of my impoverished destiny; made me diffuse into a fireball of unequivocal righteousness; on every step that I tread ?


Was it the insatiable euphoria that drifted from your impeccable chin; that made me fantasize beyond the realms of unprecedented imagination; magnificently transformed my gorily beleaguered persona; into an ocean of honestly divine sagaciousness ?


Was it the astounding innocence in your philanthropic eyebrows; that made me fantastically perceive about the most enamoring fruits of creation; march unflinchingly forward with my comrades in impregnably synergistic oneness ?


Was it the uninhibitedly divine aroma in your everlasting shadow; that made me a poet fulminating even the most infinitesimally sensitive cranny of my soul; in a glittering castle of Oligarchic writing ?


Was it the ravishing vibrancy in your satiny hair; that made me inscrutably wander through the waterfalls of perennial jubilation; incorrigibly dream in the cradle of resplendence; for centuries incomprehensible ?


Was it the gregarious essence of sharing in your Godly breath; that made me shrug all my spurious inhibitions; miraculously spawn Omnipresent life; on every territory of this earth that I benevolently tread ?


Was it is the immortal tenacity of your beautifully benign heartbeats; that instilled in me not only the ardor to holistically exist in this lifetime; but perpetually unite every sect of living organism; one and alike ?


And believe it or not; even if all of the above wasn’t; I was still in love with you O! Beloved; eternally bonding every element of my life with your sacred visage; I was still the only one who irrefutably loved you; more than anyone on this planet; ever could .