You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 13 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Should I call you the most priceless necklace of my soul; or should I address you as a tantalizing fairy; having celestially descended from the vivaciously silken skies ?


Should I call you a carpet of voluptuously titillating grass; or should I address you as a tantalizing globule of rain; marvelously placating each of my drearily bedraggled  senses ?


Should I call you an everlastingly blooming forest of enchanting seduction; or should I address you as a resplendent fountain of timeless tradition; encapsulating each of my nervously mystical nerves ?


Should I call you a magical harp of harmoniously enthralling music; or should I address you as a whirlwind of compassionately unending fantasy; triggering me to dream beyond; the realms of bountiful imagination ?


Should I call you a fathomless sky of limitless ecstasy and ebullient grace; or should I address you as an insatiably ardent inferno of ever augmenting enigma ?


Should I call you a majestically seductive eagle soaring handsomely through the clouds of unprecedented desire; or should I address you as magnificent petal of incomprehensible fascination; taking Omnipotent control of my beleaguered life ?


Should I call you a tornado of exuberantly emphatic air; or should I address you as a satiny mattress of exotically tranquil contentment; blissfully nourishing my every unfinished desire; to the most insurmountable limits ? 


Should I call you a majestically sprouting fruit of ecstatic solidarity; or should I address you as a colossal ocean of ingratiating empathy; tingling me ravishingly all across my devastated body ?


Should I call you the princess of irrefutably unconquerable beauty; or should I address you as an unassailably priceless friend; commiserating astoundingly with my every jubilation; and inexplicable pain ?


Should I call you a garland of congenially glittering diamonds; or should I address you as a cloudburst of perennially rising yearning; torrentially bestowing upon me hurricanes of; poignantly exhilarating seduction ?


Should I call you a mountain of unflinchingly limitless unity; or should I address you as the ultimate panache for my philanthropic success; as you cast the spell of your Omniscient belonging; profusely upon each element of my heart and soul; alike ?


Should I call you an eternal rainbow of delectable sensuousness; or should I address you as vividly spell binding harmony; an impeccably nostalgic fairy; who transited me unwittingly into the corridors of immaculate childhood ?


Should I call you the epitome of fabulously enamoring enthrallment; or should I address you as a   tumultuously blazing seductress; igniting thunderbolts of vibrant longing; in every ingredient of my extinguishing blood ?


Should I call you a paradise of insurmountably titillating pearls; or should I address you as a virgin field of unceasing prosperity; with your innocuous rudiments profoundly embedded in the pores of my; trembling conscience ?


Should I call you a boisterously nubile and bubbly mermaid; or should I address you as the Goddess of celestial humility; who uninhibitedly bequeathed upon me; the principles of timeless love ?


Should I call you a vivid kaleidoscope of unfathomably cheerful color; or should I address you as a scintillating expanse of intriguing happiness; a perennially unfazed spirit of adventure that swiped me like torrents of white lightening; from

my capriciously insipid feet ?


Should I call you a royally piquant bee weaving tons of unsurpassably melodious honey; or should I address you as a intrepidly brazen nightingale; chirping the

tunes of unequivocally philanthropic existence; all night and sweltering day ?


Should I call you Omnipresently synergistic whirlpools of fiery breath; or should I address you as a cavern of unsurpassable excitement; perpetuating me to handsomely philander in the land of the romantically unknown ?


And should I call you the immortally passionate beating of my penurious heart; or should I address you the solely irrefutably love of my life; the very reason that I was blissfully breathing; and heavenly alive ?