You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 13 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Fantasy is a milestone,

Truth is the ultimate reality .


Whisper is a mesmerizing sedative,

Voice of the conscience is the ultimate reality .


Clouds are an ethereal fascination,

Sky is the ultimate reality .


Accidents are an evanescent bruise,

Death is the ultimate reality .


Stars are titillation of the night,

Flaming Sun is the ultimate reality .


Photograph is a magnanimous depiction,

The living are the ultimate reality .


Offsprings keep proliferating in every quarter of the Universe,

Sacrosanct mother is the ultimate reality .


Bees swarm boisterously all throughout the day,

Mesmerizing nightingale is the ultimate reality .


Flurry of blatant lies evaporates into wisps of obsolete oblivion,

Irrefutable truth is the ultimate reality .


Grandiloquent ink depicts marvelous glory,

The pages of destiny are the ultimate reality .


Tantalizing globules of sweat captivate the remotest of alien,

Persevering hardwork is the ultimate reality .


Seductive flesh is a transient sensation,

Charismatic beauty is the ultimate reality .


Flirtation melts like frigid beeswax,

Friendship is the ultimate reality .


Scents wear off as the hours unfurl,

Enchanting rose is the ultimate reality .


Kites flap gregariously and then descend,

Euphoric wind is the ultimate reality .


Sharks glide in majestic unison to pulverize their prey,

Rhapsodic ocean is the ultimate reality .


Religion ironically enthralls with its armory of countless nuances,

Philanthropic humanity is the ultimate reality .


Moonshine perpetuates through the blanket of ghastly darkness,

Marvelously enlightening dawn is the ultimate reality .


Dreams are incarcerating avalanches of ice frenziedly distorting shape,

Actions are the ultimate reality .


Teamwork is a stepping stone towards the zenith of success,

Trust is the ultimate reality .


Panthers growl instills a wave of uncanny fear,

Rampant wilderness is the ultimate reality .


Innovation is a streak of dynamic flamboyance,

Blessed intelligence is the ultimate reality .


Abuses are temporary fulminations of the mind,

The pen of the Almighty Creator is the ultimate reality .


Lightening is an inconspicuous spark of electricity in the cosmos,

The ocean of darkness is a perpetual reality .


Mosquito bite is an infinitesimally pertinent,

Compromise with existence is the ultimate reality .


The bars of prison are a hedonistic submission,

Interiors of satanic corpse are the ultimate reality .


Mountains buckle down like soggy matchsticks under earthquakes,

The summit of conviction is the ultimate reality .


Steroids stimulate traces of newfound power,

The ramifications of the heart are the ultimate reality .


Currency triggers smiles more bombastic than the heavens at times,

Wholehearted satisfaction is the ultimate reality .

Exemplifications alleviate stress to substantive degrees,

Acceptance is the ultimate reality .


Fairies dance to give you the most exotic times of your life,

The cry of the cuckoo every morning is the ultimate reality .


Glitter of gold lasts only till the last winds of night,

The compassionate caress of your mother is the ultimate reality .


Silken strands of spidery web thrill beyond the realms of exhaustion,

The lethal sting of wholesome extinction is the ultimate reality .


Cuddling your baby an infinite times revitalized your dreary senses to the epitome of optimism,

Each act of benevolence is the ultimate reality .


Slithering bare chested on soil impregnated tremors of pleasure,

Devotion to the cause of Almighty God is the ultimate reality .


Tears are momentary radiations of profound suffering,

Sorrow is the ultimate reality .


Attraction is a vivid chain of primordial passion,

Bondage is the ultimate reality .


Skin extinguishes in entirety with advancing years of life,

The everlasting soul is the ultimate reality .


Royal imagery puts you in  trance for cardinal parts of the day,

Poetry is the ultimate reality .


Advertising is a baseless spectrum of gimmicks which enthrall,

Dedication towards the divine is the ultimate reality .


Dwelling harbors you from the diabolical devil,

Enigma is the ultimate reality .


Frolicking in the meadows rekindles your diminishing energies a trifle,

The valley of exultating adventure is the ultimate reality .


Wink triggers avalanches of flirtation and naughtiness,

Concentration is the ultimate reality .


Caress embodies feelings to the most supreme core,

Uninhibited sharing is the ultimate reality .


Bornfires stupefy as they escalate towards the cosmos,

Untamed passion is the ultimate reality .


Superstitions are ephemerally efficacious,

Omnipresent Lord is the ultimate reality .


Business is a rejuvenating parasite adding spice and wealth to life,

Art is the ultimate reality .


And infatuation is storm which gradually disappears,

Immortal love is the ultimate reality .