You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 13 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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With the blessings of my mother profoundly lingering in my eyes,


With nostalgic reflections of my childhood; bearing down overwhelmingly on my heart,


With an insatiable desire to pen down boundless lines of poetry; drown myself into a whirlpool of seductive fantasy,


With a cloak of my divinely Creator; exuberantly inhabiting each contour of my bone,

I entered the monotonous realms of office with fireballs of rebel fulminating in my blood;irrevocably resolving to quit it; the instant I consolidated upon my poetic dreams .


With a spirit of untamed exhilaration encompassing each minuscule cranny of my demeanor; progressing me to march till eternity,


With my fathers incessant advice of being like the eternal Venus star; his effervescence of never ending dynamism embedded deep in my veins,


With a cloudburst of tantalizing fantasy fervently adhering to each pore of my skin,


With my sisters unrelenting passion for exploring the vivaciously new; hovering in the back of my brain,


I plunged head on into the stormy ocean; with an intransigent desire to gallop to the summit of the gigantic mountain; after having breakfast with the sharks .


With profusely compassionate reflections of my grandparents strolling on the verdant lawns,

With the unfathomable myriad of celestial wishes; bestowed upon me by humanitarians whom I had encountered in my way,


With a flurry of impeccably innocent duck quacks; resonating boisterously in intricate corridors of my ears,


With mystical shadows of voluptuously magnificent fairies; deluging my mind like a torrential rain of pearls,


I retired completely from the vagaries of the manipulatively treacherous day; snored like an angel; euphorically inhaling the magical tranquility of the star-studded night .


And with your mesmerizing portrait invincibly riveted to each part of my impoverished countenance,


With your divinely smile insurmountably encapsulating every yearning that emanated from my soul,


With the unsurpassable fortitude in your visage; instilling in me the astronomical fortitude to trespass unflinchingly on each diabolical thorn,


With your godly heartbeats; bonding me in the swirl of your unconquerable romance for centuries immemorial, I wholeheartedly stepped into my corpse; embracing

death with equal ebullience as life; only to be reborn infinite times again; as your immortal lover .