You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 13 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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After you were dead; I would definitely remarry once again,

But of course with your immortal eyes; which were the only rays that propelled me to see; although I was radiantly bouncing and alive .


After you were dead; I would definitely remarry once again,

But of course with your immortal lips; engendering me to smile; everytime I felt like collapsing like a bedraggled heap on worthless ground; everytime I felt as if blending with the winds of horrendous extinction .


After you were dead; I would definitely remarry once again,

But of course with your immortal shadow; drowning me into aisles of unprecedented yearning and flamboyant desire; as I felt like massacring each element of my demeanor into an infinite inconspicuous pieces .


After you were dead; I would definitely remarry once again,

But of course with your immortal dreams; which made me fantasize beyond all the monotonously ordinary; romance in the majestically sensuous land of bountiful

paradise .


After you were dead; I would definitely remarry once again,

But of course with your immortal tenacity; that imparted in me the impregnable resilience to rise up to the most invidiously treacherous anecdote; which I

encountered in tangible life .


After you were dead; I would definitely remarry once again,

But of course with your immortal memories; which made me transit back into realms of impeccable childhood; pampering the most minuscule of my senses like a

prince; when I was about to sink boundless kilometers beneath the macabre mud

of my veritable corpse .


After you were dead; I would definitely remarry once again,

But of course with your immortal blood; which perpetuated me to relish life higher than the clouds; blossom with rubicund health and happiness; when infact I wanted to perpetually embrace morbid disease .


After you were dead; I would definitely remarry once again,

But of course with your immortal soul; which bonded me for centuries immemorial in its invincible grip; even as I wanted to fade like a diminutive mosquito; into

wisps of meaninglessly dilapidated oblivion .


After you were dead; I would definitely remarry once again,

But of course with your immortal breath; which fomented me to lead each unveiling minute of my destined life to most unsurpassable of its capacity; making me emerge a stupendously passionate winner; on every footstep I transgressed .


After you were dead; I would definitely remarry once again,

But of course with your immortal heart; whose beats not only kept me alive in the inevitable staring of hopeless death; but ensured that I ubiquitously propagated the essence of philanthropic mankind; in  every virtue I spread; in every direction I tread .