You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 13 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Every tree on this fathomlessly enamoring Universe forever went against me; as each time I alighted my foot; it fell on my nimble shoulders; pulverizing me beyond holistic degrees of sagacious comprehension,


Every mountain on this boundlessly victorious Universe forever went against me; as each time I tried to clamber its slope; it mercilessly buried me to an infinite feet beneath worthlessly lackadaisical soil,


Every path on this spell bindingly bounteous Universe forever went against me; as each time I dared tread on it; it deliriously bewildered and gobbled me in such a

labyrinth of confounding routes; that it was impossible for me to recognize even my very own voice, 


Every sea on this inscrutably tantalizing Universe forever went against me; as each time I tried to swim in it; it barbarously drowned me to the heartless bottom; before feeding even the most infinitesimal bone of my body to the diabolically emaciated shark,


Every cloud on this beautifully iridescent Universe forever went against me; as each time I tried to gaze towards the sky; it inundated every conceivable iota of my eye with unsurpassable tumblers of stinging water; preposterously obfuscating my vision from everytrace of tangible civilization,


Every lip on this fantastically ameliorating Universe forever went against me; as each time I tried to compassionately kiss it; all it hurtled was an unceasingly lambasting volley of tawdrily devilish abuse,


Every desert on this stupendously miraculous Universe forever went against me; as each time I tried to admire its vastness; it dragged me further and further into inanely salacious meaninglessness; with its beguiling mirages maniacally depriving me of my every ounce of happiness,


Every Sunray on this jubilantly mesmerizing Universe forever went against me; as each time I tried to sight it; it made me to inevitably shut my eyes; into a graveyard of haplessly asphyxiating and demonic blackness,


Every particle on this blissfully reinvigorating Universe forever went against me; as each time I stepped out of my closed glass; it collided with the innocuous whites of my eye with such an intransigent velocity; that I was pathetically rendered blind for a

countless more of my lifetimes,


Every color on this timelessly enchanting Universe forever went against me; as each time I tried to sketch the vivacious rainbow; every line that I drew on the barren canvas; metamorphosed into sadistically gory blood,


Every word on this perennially bewitching Universe forever went against me; as each time I tried to speak it aloud; it brutally transformed into the most venomously ultimate spelling of death,


Every hive on this endlessly fascinating Universe forever went against me; as each time I tried to blend with its unbelievable sweetness; an indefatigable army

of bees hedonistically knifed through every visible and invisible cranny of my skin,


Every finger on this unfathomably ecstatic Universe forever went against me; as each time I tried to symbiotically intertwine my finger with it; it horrifically maimed me; to discordantly beg on the dusty streets,


Every dwelling on this impregnably exhilarating Universe forever went against me; as each time I ventured to seek shelter in it; it vindictively thrust me towards the coffins of the most unsparingly crucifying of hell,


Every soil on this timelessly ebullient Universe forever went against me; as each time I passionately tread upon it; it devoured me into a mortuary of sinfully castrating and maliciously assassinating wantonness,


Every star on this tranquilly everlasting Universe forever went against me; as each time I stepped out in the majestically star-studded evening; a corpse of impoverished blindness was all that my eyes could sight; my only cynical savior for an innumerable more nights,


Every shadow on this amazingly perspicacious Universe forever went against me; as each time I tried to seek solace in its silken softness; it strangulated me without the tiniest of innuendo and to such a ghastly extent; that my eyeballs gorily danced out till

infinite infinity,


Every breath on this limitlessly blessing Universe forever went against me; as each time I tried to inhale it in my famished lungs; it became the most torturously eventual cry of ominously devastating death,  


Yet; I forever towered as the most priceless organism alive in the winds of paradise; Yet; I forever existed as the most invincibly blessed man on the trajectory of earth divine; Yet; I forever replenished even the most inconspicuous of my senses with the fruits of eternally resplendent Creation; Yet; I forever stayed away from even the slightest of misery and reigning as the most powerful entity on this Universe; as I

forever had her Omnipotent palms immortally entwined in mine; as I forever had hers and only her true support for me; even though none of the world and

beyond; was ever mine .