You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 13 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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There were some on the trajectory of this fathomlessly enamoring Universe; who uncontrollably burnt in the fire of treacherous hatred; at some time or the other;

in the tenure of their inevitably truncated lifetime,


There were some on the trajectory of this inexhaustibly iridescent Universe; who uncontrollably burnt in the fire of abominably crippling discrimination; at some time or the other; in the tenure of their inevitably evanescent lifetime,


There were some on the trajectory of this endlessly divine Universe; who uncontrollably burnt in the fire of inexplicably penalizing illiteracy; at some time or

the other; in the tenure of their inevitably fugitive lifetime,


There were some on the trajectory of this indefatigably fructifying Universe; who uncontrollably burnt in the fire of parasitically insouciant possessiveness; at some time or the other; in the tenure of their inevitably extinguishing lifetime,


There were some on the trajectory of this limitlessly enthralling Universe; who uncontrollably burnt in the fire of disdainfully decrepit loneliness; at some time

or the other; in the tenure of their inevitably shortened lifetime,


There were some on the trajectory of this brilliantly optimistic Universe; who uncontrollably burnt in the fire of cadaverously shattering egotism; at some time

or the other; in the tenure of their inevitably transient lifetime,


There were some on the trajectory of this timelessly extemporizing Universe; who uncontrollably burnt in the fire of sinfully paralyzing crime; at some time or

the other; in the tenure of their inevitably destitute lifetime,


There were some on the trajectory of this gigantically endowing Universe; who uncontrollably burnt in the fire of atrociously pulverizing sadism; at some or the

other; in the tenure of their inevitably curtailed lifetime,


There were some on the trajectory of this eclectically vivacious Universe; who uncontrollably burnt in the fire of traumatically self-inflicted isolation; at

some time or the other; in the tenure of their inevitably evaporating lifetime,


There were some on the trajectory of this vividly Herculean Universe; who uncontrollably burnt in the fire of robotically sacrilegious corruption; at some

time or the other; in the tenure of their inevitably shortened lifetime,


There were some on the trajectory of this bountifully burgeoning Universe; who uncontrollably burnt in the fire of ominously devastating war; at some time or the

other; in the tenure of their inevitably fading lifetime,


There were some on the trajectory of this timelessly victorious Universe; who uncontrollably burnt in the fire of diabolically victimizing greed; at some time

or the other; in the tenure of their inevitably restricted lifetime,


There were some on the trajectory of this interminably ameliorating Universe; who uncontrollably burnt in the fire of deliriously thwarting insomnia; at some time

or the other; in the tenure of their inevitably impoverished lifetime,


There were some on the trajectory of this gregariously embracing Universe; who uncontrollably burnt in the fire of horrendously satanic vindication; at some or

the other; in the tenure of their inevitably deteriorating lifetime,


There were some on the trajectory of this beautifully virile Universe; who uncontrollably burnt in the fire of wantonly feckless inebriation; at some time or the

other; in the tenure of their inevitably corroding lifetime,


There were some on the trajectory of this unceasingly emollient Universe; who uncontrollably burnt in the fire of outrageously vehement cynicism; at some time

or the other; in the tenure of their inevitably extinguishing lifetime,


There were some on the trajectory of this unbelievably mesmerizing Universe; who uncontrollably burnt in the fire of squalidly bawdy secrets; at some time or the other; in the tenure of their inevitably abrading lifetime,


There were some on the trajectory of this incredulously acquitting Universe; who uncontrollably burnt in the fire of devilishly deplorable lies; at some time or the other; in the tenure of their inevitably laconic lifetimes,


There were some on the trajectory of this fearlessly ever-pervading Universe; who uncontrollably burnt in the fire of hedonistically massacring betrayal; at some time or the other; in the tenure of their inevitably shriveling lifetime,


But there were none on the trajectory of this Omnisciently wonderful Universe; who didn’t uncontrollably burn in the fire of immortally consecrating love; at every single stage; at every single moment; at every single breath; at every single footstep;  and at all times; in the tenure of their inevitably destined lifetime .