You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 13 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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C’mon shoot me in my eye; Am ready this very minute to fearlessly take an infinite bullets. But each bullet should only be that of blissfully unprejudiced and

timelessly garnishing; empathy.


C’mon shoot me in my lips; Am ready this very minute to unflinchingly take an infinite bullets. But each bullet should only be that of eternally rhapsodic and

unsurpassably unhindered; desire.


C’mon shoot me in my chest; Am ready this very minute to unrestrictedly take an infinite bullets. But each bullet should only be that of fantastically symbiotic

and pricelessly unbridled; humanity.


C’mon shoot me in my palms; Am ready this very minute to unlimitedly take an infinite bullets. But each bullet should only be that of magically ameliorating

and synergistically healing; friendship.


C’mon shoot me in my crotch; Am ready this very minute to uninhibitedly take an infinite bullets. But each bullet should only be that of stupendously proliferating and endlessly eclectic; virility.


C’mon shoot me in my feet; Am ready this very minute to unabashedly take an infinite bullets. But each bullet should only be that of poignantly sensuous and

jubilantly exultating; adventure.


C’mon shoot me in my shoulders; Am ready this very minute to undauntedly take an infinite bullets.  But each bullet should only be that of triumphantly bounteous and spell bindingly ever-pervading; camaraderie.


C’mon shoot me in my throat; Am ready this very minute to unremittingly take an infinite bullets. But each bullet should only be that of victoriously effulgent and perennially benign; melody.


C’mon shoot me in my bloodstreams; Am ready this very minute to unstoppably take an infinite bullets. But each bullet should only be that of inimitably divine and ubiquitously compassionate; brotherhood.


C’mon shoot me in my brain; Am ready this very minute to unhesitatingly take an infinite bullets. But each bullet should only be that of unendingly enamoring and

boundlessly ecstatic; fantasy.


C’mon shoot me in my veins; Am ready this very minute to spontaneously take an infinite bullets. But each bullet should only be that of unceasingly miraculous

and timelessly emancipating; solidarity.


C’mon shoot me in my nails; Am ready this very minute to unnervingly take an infinite bullets. But each bullet should only be that inimitably innocuous and

beautifully unadulterated; mischief.


C’mon shoot me in my ears; Am ready this very minute to uncontrollably take an infinite bullets. But each bullet should only be that of astoundingly undefeated

and piquantly fabulous; sensitivity.


C’mon shoot me in my tongue; Am ready this very minute to unbendingly take an infinite bullets. But each bullet should only be that of vivaciously unbridled

and gloriously unfettered; sensuality.


C’mon shoot me in my spine; Am ready this very minute to undyingly take an infinite bullets. But each bullet should only be that of unconquerably burgeoning and

celestially untamed; freedom.


C’mon shoot me in my belly; Am ready this very minute to uninhibitedly take an infinite bullets. But each bullet should only be that of unfathomably vivid and

tantalizingly voluptuous; seduction.


C’mon shoot me in my conscience; Am ready  this very minute to irretrievably take an infinite bullets. But each bullet should only be that of irrefutably indomitable and perpetually consecrating; truth.


C’mon shoot me in my eyelashes; Am ready this very minute to unperturbedly take an infinite bullets. But each bullet should only be that of fathomlessly resplendent and limitlessly reborn; flirtation.


C’mon shoot me in my nostrils; Am ready this very minute to unshakably take an infinite bullets. But each bullet should only be that of perennially iridescent

and ebulliently fructifying; life.


C’mon shoot me in my heart; Am ready this very minute to uncomplainingly take an infinite bullets. But each bullet should only be that of immortally Omnipotent

and insuperably bonding; love .