You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 13 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Just when my eyes thought that they’d seen every bit of panoramically resplendent beauty; on the trajectory of this fathomlessly blessing Universe,

Came her astoundingly pristine face right infront of me; telling me that I’d just started; and there was an infinite more to discover and see; of her timelessly endowing enchantment .


Just when my lips thought that they’d smooched every bit of sensuously ameliorating loveliness; on the trajectory of this beautifully iridescent Universe,

Came her effulgently rhapsodic tongue right infront of me; telling me that I’d just started; and there was an infinite more to discover and smooch; of her endlessly

euphoric fantasy .


Just when my ears thought that they’d heard every bit of victoriously artistic melody; on the trajectory of this unbelievably undefeated Universe,

Came her majestically tinkling footsteps right infront of me; telling me that I’d just started; and there was an infinite more to discover and hear; of her indefatigably mystic enthrallment .


Just when my fingers thought that they’d explored every bit of magically jubilant softness; on the trajectory of this miraculously unbiased Universe,

Came her fantastically unbridled skin right infront of me; telling me that I’d just started; and there was an infinite more to discover and explore; of her poignantly proliferating virility .


Just when my neck thought that it’d witnessed every bit of gorgeously mitigating space; on the trajectory of this bounteously spawning Universe,

Came her infallibly magnetic shadow right infront of me; telling me that I’d just started; and there was an infinite more to discover and witness; of her unendingly royal compassion .


Just when my brain thought that it’d absorbed every bit of ubiquitously divine freshness; on the trajectory of this unsurpassably emollient Universe,

Came her mischievously dancing eyelashes right infront me; telling me that I’d just started; and there was an infinite more to discover and absorb; of her delectable ingenious aura .


Just when my blood thought that it’d melanged with every bit of altruistically fructifying symbiotism; on the trajectory of this benevolently condoning Universe,

Came her pricelessly Omnipotent aura right infront of me; telling me that I’d just started; and there was an infinite more to discover and mélange; of her divinely

impeccable form .


Just when my mouth thought that it’d spoken every bit of celestial goodness and inevitable badness; on the trajectory of this synergistically consecrating Universe,

Came her voluptuously rain-soaked chest right infront of me; telling me that I’d just started; and there was an infinite more to discover and speak; of her fearlessly new-born freshness .


 Just when my panic button thought that it’d perceived every bit of unceasingly igniting excitement; on the trajectory of this formidably resplendent Universe,

Came her uncontrollably exotic dreams infront of me; telling me that I’d just started; and there was an infinite more to discover and perceive; of her enigmatically reverberating charisma .


Just when my hair thought that they’d assimilated every bit of amazingly burgeoning vivacity; on the trajectory of this unrestrictedly bestowing Universe,

Came her seductively dew drop studded chin right infront of me; telling me that I’d just started; and there was an infinite more to discover and assimilate; of her unconquerably untamed sensuality .


Just when my palms thought they’d lived every bit of inscrutably tingling uncanniness; on the trajectory of this insuperably blossoming Universe,

Came her fragrantly liberating destiny right infront of me; telling me that I’d just started; and there was an infinite more to discover and live; of her intrepidly tantalizing personality .


Just when my toes thought that they’d walked every bit of conceivably blessed space; on the trajectory of this spectacularly eclectic Universe,

Came her invincibly inexhaustible signature; telling me that I’d just started; and there was an infinite more to discover and walk; of her ideals of unflinchingly truthful selflessness .


Just when my nails thought that they’d scratched every bit of stupendously exhilarating restlessness; on the trajectory of this eternally magnificent Universe,

Came her heavenly golden sweated armpits right infront of me; telling me that I’d just started; and there was an infinite more to discover and scratch; of her ebulliently unbridled femininity .


Just when my bones thought that they’d imbibed every bit of aristocratically audacious fortification; on the trajectory of this boundlessly sparkling Universe,

Came her Omnisciently mitigating voice right infront of me; telling me that I’d just started; and there was an infinite more to discover and imbibe; of her undaunted ideals of worldwide love and peace .


Just when my shoulders thought that they’d rejoiced every bit of spell bindingly egalitarian brotherhood; on the trajectory of this magically Omnipresent Universe,

Came her innocuously impregnable soul right infront of me; telling me that I’d just started; and there was an infinite more to discover and rejoice; of her

timelessly bestowing humanitarian goodness .


Just when my conscience thought that it’d replenished every bit of irrefutably indomitable truth; on the trajectory of this unfathomably silken Universe,

Came her indisputably transparent eyeballs right infront of me; telling me that I’d just started; and there was an infinite more to discover and replenish; of her unshakably everlasting paths of unassailable righteousness .


Just when my nostrils thought that they’d inhaled every bit of jubilantly undefeated air; on the trajectory of this interminably burgeoning Universe,

Came her ever-pervading virgin fragrance right infront of me; telling me that I’d just started; and there was an infinite more to discover and inhale; of her perennially youthful existence .


And just when my heart thought that it’d loved every bit of compassionately sacred immortality; on the trajectory of this convivially healing Universe,

Came her perpetually passionate beats right infront of me; telling me that I’d just started; and there was an infinite more to discover and love; of her joyously

procreating mind; soul and fearless form .