You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 13 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The highways of sadistically unending brutality; were ghastily inundated with an infinite dividers of limitlessly indiscriminate and tyrannically lambasting hatred,


The highways of anomalously manipulated lies; were hedonistically inundated with an infinite dividers of fecklessly insane and truculently pernicious reproachfulness,


The highways of chauvinistically tarnished anarchy; were treacherously inundated with an infinite dividers of ignominiously demented and vindictively invidious



The highways of gorily torturous death; were maliciously inundated with an infinite dividers of indescribably massacring and interminably agonizing misery,


The highways of unsparingly barbarous lies; were criminally inundated with an infinite dividers of ominously pulverizing and horrifically wanton sinfulness,


The highways of crazily beheading molestation; were disdainfully inundated with an infinite dividers of gruesomely opprobrious and inconsolably unsolicited suffering,


The highways of deliriously inane obsession; were pathetically inundated with an infinite dividers of penuriously tormented and haplessly dithering frustration,


The highways of lethally cold-blooded politics; were tawdrily inundated with an infinite dividers of never-endingly inexplicable and bizarrely slandering fear,


The highways of gratuitously profane slavery; were venomously inundated with an infinite dividers of horrendously dilapidated and cadaverously evanescent oppression,


The highways of preposterously robotic commercialism; were abhorrently inundated with an infinite dividers of sacrilegiously intolerable and wickedly debasing corruption,


The highways of indolently shriveled laziness; were perennially inundated with an infinite dividers of baselessly meandering and drearily unnecessary decay,


The highways of malevolently paranoid gloom; were surreptitiously inundated with an infinite dividers of interminably withering and atrociously debilitating disease,


The highways of meaninglessly ungainly cowardliness; were nonchalantly inundated with an infinite dividers of unrelentingly castigating and licentiously floundering infertility,


The highways of parsimoniously cursed illiteracy; were inevitably inundated with an infinite dividers of unsurpassably unforgivable and diabolically stabbing unemployment,


The highways of ghoulishly lonely widowhood; were sorrowfully inundated with an infinite dividers of unfathomably obfuscated and wretchedly deteriorating belief,


The highways of bawdily excoriating adultery; were immorally inundated with an infinite dividers of unforgivably beheading and endlessly amorphous cursedness,


The highways of indefatigably penalizing war; were unfaithfully inundated with an infinite dividers of nonsensically uncalled and ferociously hateful bloodshed,


The highways of acridly maligned betrayal; were vapidly inundated with an infinite dividers of unstoppably incarcerating and distastefully demonic darkness,


Whilst the highways of pricelessly immortal and unassailably divine love; never ever had; and never ever would have; any imperiling dividers .