You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 13 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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A true lover isn’t one who fanatically chops every part of his fingers for the sake of his magical beloved; but one who perpetually uses the same to invincibly fortify her blissful grip upon the limitlessly enchanting canvas of this enamoring planet; instead.


A true lover isn’t one who deliriously slices every part of his brain for the sake of his eternal beloved; but one who perpetually uses the same to augment her resplendently spell-binding fantasies an infinite times more than planet infinity; instead.


A true lover isn’t one who ruthlessly pulverizes every part of his foot for the sake of his bountiful beloved; but one who perpetually uses the same to reinforce even the most evanescent element of her nimbly dwindling stride; instead.


A true lover isn’t one who tyrannically blinds every part of his eye for the sake of his jubilant beloved; but one who perpetually uses the same to unassailably drift her only towards the pathways of panoramically uninhibited righteousness; instead.


A true lover isn’t one who diabolically slashes every part of his ear for the sake of his insuperable beloved; but one who perpetually uses the same to timelessly discern all those devilish sounds that dared come near her; instead.


A true lover isn’t one who sadistically knives every part of his chest for the sake of his redolent beloved; but one who perpetually uses the same to compassionately sequester her against all truculent rain and storm; instead.


A true lover isn’t one who cadaverously cuts every part of his veins for the sake of his effulgent beloved; but one who perpetually uses the same to build bonds of  unconquerably symbiotic humanity with her; instead.


A true lover isn’t one who indiscriminately massacres every part of his tongue for the sake of his holistic beloved; but one who perpetually uses the same to beautifully smother each bit of cynical dryness that insidiously crept into her persona; instead.


A true lover isn’t one who hedonistically dries every part of his blood for the sake of his mesmerizing beloved; but one who perpetually uses the same to humanitarianly reinvigorate her inevitably deteriorating body systems; instead.


A true lover isn’t one who criminally squelches every part of his bones for the sake of his poignant beloved; but one who perpetually uses the same to fearlessly reinforce newfound temerity in her; to face even the most uncouthly demonic aspect of life;



A true lover isn’t the one who barbarously axes every part of his lips for the sake of his tantalizing beloved; but one who perpetually uses the same to make her feel the most desired woman on this fathomless Universe; instead.


A true lover isn’t the one who meaninglessly crucifies every part of his arms for the sake of his iridescent beloved; but one who perpetually uses the same to unflinchingly persevere with her in every philanthropically egalitarian mission of life; instead.


A true lover isn’t the one who treacherously bludgeons every part of his belly for the sake of his ardent beloved; but one who perpetually uses the same to cushion her lugubriously dreary scalp in each inexplicably distressing situation of hers; instead.


A true lover isn’t the one who unsparingly batters every part of his teeth for the sake of his emollient beloved; but one who perpetually uses the same to chew each bit of obdurately slandering cynicism that came her way; instead.


A true lover isn’t the one who horrendously beheads every part of his neck for the sake of his ecstatic beloved; but one who perpetually uses the same to make her unabashedly swerve in an atmosphere of ubiquitously ameliorating equanimity; instead.


A true lover isn’t the one who wretchedly aborts every part of his virility for the sake of his blessed beloved; but one who perpetually uses the same to indefatigably unite with her and let the chapters of holistic proliferation continue on this planet for a

countless more births yet to unveil; instead.


A true lover isn’t the one who sinfully erases every part of his shadow for the sake of his altruistic beloved; but one who perpetually uses the same stupendously mollify each of her acrimoniously agitated senses; instead.


A true lover isn’t the one who venomously butchers every part of his nostrils for his fabulous beloved; but one who perpetually uses the same to impregnate inimitable heavens of quintessential breath into each of her dying breath; instead. 


And a true lover isn’t the one who idiotically kills every part of his heart for his priceless beloved; but one who perpetually uses the same to immortally bond

her into the passionate beats of unshakably everlasting love; instead .