You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 14 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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You can kiss me on my voluptuously rubicund cheeks all right; but only if your kiss had the power to wonderfully transcend over every other conceivable kiss  drifting ominously towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,


You can kiss me on my seductively tantalizing nape all right; but only if your kiss had the tenacity to miraculously overpower every other conceivable kiss drifting atrociously towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,


You can kiss me on my rhapsodically vivacious hair all right; but only if your kiss had the temerity to supremely outshadow every other conceivable kiss drifting egregiously towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,


You can kiss me on my enthrallingly ebullient lips all right; but only if your kiss had the charisma to irrefutably nullify every other conceivable kiss drifting vindictively towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,


You can kiss me on my bountifully emollient palms all right; but only if your kiss had the superiority to timelessly conquer every other conceivable kiss drifting baselessly towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,


You can kiss me on my surreally royal forehead all right; but only if your kiss had the magic to unbelievably decimate every other conceivable kiss drifting truculently towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,


You can kiss me on my daintily embellished feet all right; but only if your kiss had the magnetism to insuperably supercede every other conceivable kiss drifting salaciously towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,


You can kiss me on my robustly titillating belly all right; but only if your kiss had the caress to astronomically triumph over every other conceivable kiss drifting parasitically towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,


You can kiss me on my uncontrollably trembling skin all right; but only if your kiss had the color to wholesomely camouflage every other conceivable kiss drifting beguilingly towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,


You can kiss me on my enigmatically arcane palms all right; but only if your kiss had the fortitude to entirely sideline every other conceivable kiss drifting hedonistically towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,


You can kiss me on my mellifluously dangling earlobes all right; but only if your kiss had the ardor to poignantly overrule every other conceivable kiss drifting flagrantly towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,


You can kiss me on my unfathomably scented fingers all right; but only if your kiss had the righteousness to unsurpassably defeat every other conceivable kiss drifting hideously towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,


You can kiss me on my mischievously cavorting shadow all right; but only if your kiss had the intensity to unnervingly destroy every other conceivable kiss drifting raunchily towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,


You can kiss me on my aristocratically iridescent shoulders all right; but only if your kiss had the compassion to circumscribe every other conceivable kiss drifting bizarrely towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,


You can kiss me on my sensuously inebriating eyes all right; but only if your kiss had the brilliance to unprecedentedly blaze over every other conceivable kiss drifting acrimoniously towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,


You can kiss me on my artistically sculptured chin all right; but only if your kiss had the guts to indomitably rule over every other conceivable kiss drifting heinously towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,


You can kiss me on my inimitably graceful spine all right; but only if your kiss had the heavenliness to eternally outclass every other conceivable kiss drifting malevolently towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes,


And you can kiss me on my immortally throbbing heart all right; but only if your kiss had the kinsmanship to forever subjugate and subdue every other conceivable kiss drifting venomously towards my direction; for times beyond an infinite more lifetimes .