You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 14 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I had absolutely not the most infinitesimal iota of hesitation; rampantly swapping cars with you,

After all what difference does it make; if not this set of four wheels; it would be some another set of sleazily mechanical four wheels; to transport me to the destination of my choice .


I had absolutely not the most diminutive trace of circumspection; wildly swapping house with you,

After all what difference does it make; if not this pair of brick walls; it would be some another fortress of bawdily embellished brick walls; to sequester me all throughout the acrimoniously frozen night .


I had absolutely not the most capricious speck of skepticism; uncontrollably swapping beds with you,

After all what difference does it make; if not this mattress of sponge; it would be some another mattress embedded with lifeless dunlop; to sanctimoniously rest my monotonously beleaguered and dreadfully estranged bones .


I had absolutely not the most ethereal of deliberations; unceremoniously swapping cigarettes with you,

After all what difference does it make; if not this pipe of tobacco; it would be some another pipe filled with lasciviously inebriating tobacco; to spuriously tantalize my miserably bereaved senses amidst echelons of the pompously preposterous high society .


I had absolutely not the most ephemeral of uncanniness; imperturbably swapping jewels with you,

After all what difference does it make; if not this design of diamond; it would be some other design of meaninglessly scintillating diamond; to adorn the overwhelmingly salacious and greedy pair of bones; in my worthlessly molecular body .


I had absolutely not the most evanescent of vibrations; nonchalantly swapping wine and vixen with you,

After all what difference does it make; if not this flesh and intoxication it would be some another tawdrily titillating flesh and sensuousness; to make me abhorrently enliven every evening of my already; brutally devastated life .


I had absolutely not the most obsolete of repercussions; timelessly swapping pieces of land with you,

After all what difference does it make; if not this patch of land then it would be some another dolorously adulterated chunk of land; to hold my vapidly quavering

and treacherously indolent feet .


I had absolutely not the most minuscule of apprehensions; blatantly swapping food with you,

After what difference does it make; if not this morsel of eatery then it would be some another morsel of parasitically acquired eatery; to mollify the demonically untamed pangs of hunger; in my rancidlyribald and savagely cannibalistic stomach .


I had absolutely not the most tiniest of reservations; explicitly swapping eyes; ears; lips; legs and shadow with you,

After all what difference does it make; if not this vision; organs and senses; then it would be some another penuriously measly vision; organ and senses; to punctiliously guide me through each unfurling moment of my diminutively destined life .


But I couldn’t for even the most priceless ingredient of life in me; swap the divinely womb which evolved me and the beloved who nourished my impoverished existence outside of it; for an infinite more lifetimes,

Because not only would it make a staggering difference to me if I did so; but God’s entire planet would dwindle and deteriorate outside the instant I dare even think of such a dastardly act; I dare even think of raunchily swapping his two most sacrosanct gifts; his two most immortal blessings in my blood and life .