You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 15 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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It was impossible for me to live without her eyes; as I was tirelessly enamored by their beautifully impeccable whites; the fathomless wonderment of the inscrutable Universe that tirelessly reflected from them,

And it was impossible for me to live with her eyes; as they diffused nothing else but vindictively treacherous fire for every aspect of my existence; disconsolately sighted me as a piece of infinitesimally frigid shit .


It was impossible for me to live without her lips; as I obsessively wanted to trace their resplendently sensuous contours all night and day; and even as the most decimating apocalypses of hell descended upon planet divine,

And it was impossible for me to live with her lips; as they wafted into nothing else but an unsurpassable ocean of sordid expletives for even the most philanthropic deeds I did; perennially ostracizing me into worthlessly disastrous oblivion .


It was impossible for me to live without her palms; as it was only in their bountifully poignant destiny lines that I found the ultimate fragrance of my impoverished life,

And it was impossible for me to live with her palms; as whenever they did move in her life; it was only to mercilessly thrash the last ounce of exhilaration entrapped in each of my bones; bludgeon me to a pulp more torturous than veritable death in the prime of my life .


It was impossible for me to live without her skin; as I indefatigably wanted to smooch its unfathomably unparalleled sensuality; jubilantly bite through every of its pricelessly igniting goose-bump of sensitivity till centuries even beyond the end of my time,

And it was impossible for me to live with her skin; as it clandestinely betrayed me behind my back; surrendering in timid weakness to every conceivable masculine aroma on the trajectory of this unbelievably unceasing planet .


It was impossible for me to live without her hair; as in their majestically ravishing swirl I found hidden the entire beauty of this boundlessly mesmerizing Universe; sequestered myself forever and ever and ever from the insurmountable animosity of this horrifically robotic world,

And it was impossible to live with her hair; as their sole purpose in life was to uncouthly slap me left; right and center for ostensibly no fault of mine; hedonistically strangulate me like a death rope into the corpses of bizarrely unforgivable  extinction .


It was impossible for me to live without her ears; as in their daintily twinkling lobes; I found a sweetness so mellifluously unconquerable; that uninhibitedly liberated me of all my worries for a countless more lifetimes,

And it was impossible to live with her ears; as they were preposterously insensitive to even the most cripplingly hoarse of my cries; wholesomely shunted me even as they heard the most fiercest of thunder gruesomely extraditing me from the chapter of blissful life .


It was impossible for me to live without her voice; as it was solely in it that I found the melody of irrefutably infallible truth; as it was my sole inspiration to fearlessly confront even the most obstinately bellicose impediments in the pathways of enigmatic life,

And it was impossible for me to live with her voice; as whenever it arose from the solar plexus of her throat; it was just for unendingly ridiculing me infront of the entire globe; it was just for criminally numbing each of my royal senses to egalitarian pleasure and pain; alike .


It was impossible for me to live without her fingers; as it in their inimitably heavenly artistry that I tasted nectar in the heart of the iridescently charismatic night; it was in their invincible grip that I felt possessed by the most impregnably interminable of eternal companionship,

And it was impossible for me to live with her fingers; as all they could sketch whenever they eclectically put paint paper; was nothing else but the most morbidly incarcerated shapes of my unabashedly shriveled carcass and dead form.


It was impossible for me to live without her feet; as it was solely in  their benign impressions; that I could find the most gloriously unfettered ideals of this timelessly procreating Universe,

And it was impossible for me to live with her feet; as whenever she alighted them from her state of indolent inertia; it was only to salaciously kick me like a chunk of neglected feces; to the furthermost coffins of diabolically besmirching hell .


It was impossible for me to live without her shoulders; as their altruistically benevolent strength to hoist every deprived orphan; was my undefeated sublimation to timelessly triumph in the odyssey of endowing life,

And it was impossible for me to live with her shoulders; as unrelentingly surged forward at the cost of my desires and pride; ruthlessly massacring my integrity to inconspicuously wanton dust; countless a times .


It was impossible for me to live without her brain; as her ingeniously innovative swirl to evolve insatiably blessing magic out of desperate nothingness; was what had indeed become an indispensable ingredient of my blood,

And it was impossible for me to live with her brain; as I knew that it harbored nothing else but limitless abhorrence for my diminutive form; it dreamt of nothing else but pulverizing me into my venomous grave; alive .


It was impossible for me to live without her conscience; as solely in its spirit of Omnipotent honesty; was I able to explicitly sight and admire God’s panoramic creation to the most unprecedented limits,

And it was impossible for me to live with her conscience; as it relentlessly discarded me as an unceremoniously forlorn speck of meaninglessness; perceived even the most righteous of my deed to be the coffin of ominously disparaging death .


It was impossible for me to live without her blood; as I perpetually wanted to mélange the elixir of my existence with each of her blessedly unassailable veins; thereby feel the most pricelessly gifted organism alive,

And it was impossible for me to live with her blood; as it ferociously expurgated  even the most cloistered rudiment of my existence from its exuberant swirl; cognizing it to be the most satanically lambasting venom of its time .


It was impossible for me to live without her shadow; as I transcended every level of spell binding fantasy in its enchantingly tranquil sheath; attaining the most beautifully unbridled rest of my life in its astoundingly heavenly coolness,

And it was impossible for me to live with her shadow; as from it immorally radiated the images of those innumerable men; whom she’d sadistically utilized to quench her carnal thirst; with whom she’d tawdrily slept .


It was impossible for me to live without her sweat; as solely in its fabulously unhindered scent of perseverance; did I discover my mission to succeed in the journey of bounteously virile life,

And it was impossible for me to live with her sweat; as for it I was just an unbearably pernicious mosquito; disconsolately perpetuating my cries of ghastly extinction into its marvelously golden persona .


It was impossible for me to live without her belly; as it unceasingly tantalized me till even beyond the corridors of magnificently replenishing paradise; as solely in its incredulously victorious softness did I  realize that I was tirelessly proliferating and handsomely virile,

And it was impossible for me to live with her belly; as it wholeheartedly cuddled even the most belligerent dustbin of ghoulish trash; but unstoppably rejected even the remotest of my sight .


It was impossible for me to live without her freshness; as it was my sole reason for being incessantly enlightened in my already desolately depraving life; as it metamorphosed even the most dolorously invidious of my night into brilliantly Omnipresent sunshine,

And it was impossible for me to live with her freshness; as it acrimoniously considered me as the most stagnantly disconcerting dribble of dirt on this Universe; as it considered even the most ebulliently ecstatic smile of mine as

delinquently decrepit and stale .


It was impossible for me to live without her tongue; as it was solely while nibbling at its untamed tanginess; did I find the kindergartens of mischievously unconquerable childhood; innocuously enshroud me once again till the very end of my time,

And it was impossible for me to live with her tongue; as it libidinously spat on me all night and sweltering day; just as if I was a singular dustpan for cleansing it of all its unsolicited extremities .


It was impossible for me to live without her breath; as it was solely the only thing on earth that could’ve granted me effulgent life even after lurid death; made me feel the most wonderfully richest entity on earth even when I was robustly alive,

And it was impossible for me to live with her breath; as it intractably refrained to inhale even when a countless feet near me; as it proclaimed to the entire world that I profusely smelt of nothing else but disgustingly collapsing cowardice .


It was impossible for me to live without her heart; as it was solely in every of its passionately queenly beat; that I felt as if everything around me was God’s amiably bonding paradise; that I felt that I was insuperably and immortally alive,

And it was impossible for me to live with her heart; as it raunchily betrayed me right infront of my staring eyes; forever blending with the beats of the fantastically ameliorating Universe; but tirelessly dragging me towards the gory devil’s shrine .


And to top all of this it was even impossible for me to end my own life; as I didn’t want to trespass the laws of his symbiotically kingly creation; ardently desired that the last iota of my breath be solely controlled by the Omniscient divine,


So eventually I adopted one more impossible to end it all; and that was to pragmatically metamorphose each of my impossibly “Impossibles” aboveinto an impossible “Possible”; till the time I dreamt and breathed; till the time I was bustling with impossibly unshakable life .