You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 15 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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On surface you might see me wholeheartedly laughing the corners of my mouth out; but that was just to hide the inexplicable germs of agony indefatigably encircling my soul,


On surface you might see me triumphantly gyrating even the most inconspicuous bone of my body; but that was just to hide the perennial blows of flagrant defeat that had just mercilessly bludgeoned me from all sides,


On surface you might see me exuberantly slurping unsurpassable sips of pristinely victorious Alp water; but that was just to hide the unfathomably despicable dryness that had circumscribed every of my veins; since centuries immemorial,


On surface you might see me incessantly chattering like the boisterously untamed bumble bee; but that was just to hide the ghoulishly crucifying solitariness that  unrelentingly stabbed every ingredient of my scarlet blood,


On surface you might see me passionately kissing even the most infinitesimal draught of air; but that was just to hide tears of inevitably strangulating disease transcending every other thing in my body,


On surface you might see me timelessly involved in one philanthropic mission or another; but that was just to hide the insurmountably treacherous lacklusterness parasitically eviscerating every ounce of my enthusiasm from the fabric of my life,


On surface you might see me mellifluously humming the most unbelievably blessed of tunes; but that was just to hide the corpses of disdainfully cacophonic cynicism which had incarcerated me since many a lifetime,


On surface you might see me uninhibitedly blessing countless a humanity; but that was just to hide the uncontrollably raving devil; salaciously slandering every conceivably naked pore of my impoverished flesh,


On surface you might see me beautifully cleansing every wound of my body with the balm of rhapsodically unfettered Mother Nature; but that was just to hide the limitless mortuaries of inane artificiality; which had haplessly hollowed every cranny of my existence,


On surface you  might see me earnestly promising in every sphere of life; but that was just to hide the mercilessly robotic falseness; which had unfortunately become the  very solar plexus of my survival,


On surface you might see me surreally closing my eyes as if forever fantasizing in the mists of brilliantly unhindered paradise; but that was just to hide the insidiously delirious mania that had ruthless estranged every iota of my unsparingly crippled brain,


On surface you might see me tirelessly evolving into an invincible entrenchment of mesmerizing newness; but that was just to hide the venom of ghastily pulverizing infertility bizarrely lambasting the complexion of my existence,


On surface you might see me like a magically charismatic prince gallivanting in the corridors of eternal freedom; but that was just to hide the egregiously sadistic  whiplashes of unsolicited trauma that inexhaustibly disintegrated me into an infinite bits of meaninglessness,


On surface you might see me blazing like the most undauntedly sizzling Sun; but that was just to hide the countless nights of appallingly criminal darkness; that had besieged me since the very first cry of virgin birth,


On surface you might see me profoundly engrossed in the canvas of miraculously ameliorating artistry; but that was just to hide the horrifically untouchable staleness; that lugubriously trailed alongwith every incorrigible shadow of mine,


On surface you might see me robustly bouncing in the prime of celestial youth; but that was just to hide the fathomless gallons of sinful liquor that had already vaporized my liver in its wholesome entirety,


On surface you might see me chanting the rhymes of symbiotically priceless existence; but that was just to hide the tornados of inexorably massacring vindication; restlessly brewing up in every crevice of my conscience,


On surface you might see me fierily breathing like the most intrepidly ebullient of adventurer; but that was just to hide the hell of unlimitedly penalizing death that had already imprisoned me; an infinite births ago,


And On surface you might see me embracing every living being in the swirl of Immortal friendship; but that was just to hide the poison of satanically asphyxiating betrayal that had irrevocably infiltrated every nerve of my persona; as the ultimate gift from the girl I’d once upon a time unstoppably loved; the girl to whom I’d selflessly dedicated every instant of my life once upon a time; but the very girl whom I today proclaim as my brutally devastating Devil .