You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 15 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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30. I  FAILED 


Without you; I was no doubt able to hold the bouquet of redolently mesmerizing flowers in my palms; capsizing them forcefully with my tiny fists,

But try as hard as I could; I miserably failed; every time I probed to smell; even an inconspicuous iota of their wonderfully enchanting and exotically tingling essence .


Without you; I was no doubt able to uplift my diminutively impoverished body from cold ground; formidably ensuring the grip of my soles with loose chunks of orphaned soil,

But try as hard as I could; I pathetically failed; every time I attempted to walk; collapsing worse than a pack of soggy cards to lick dust; even before I could alight an infinitesimal bit of foot .


Without you; I was no doubt able to put food in the interiors of my miserably slavering mouth; vehemently pushing it from all sides,

But try as hard as I could; I indefatigably failed; every time I endeavored to swallow; vomiting every morsel with ignominious castigation out of my belly; even before it could venture a lackadaisical trifle down my famished throat .


Without you; I was no doubt able to witness the passionately singing nightingale; using the most contemporarily robotic contraptions to keep my eyes wide open,

But try as hard as I could; I ludicrously failed; every time I insatiably craved to hear; with all rhapsody metamorphosing into dumb nothingness; fathomless kilometers before it reached my ears .


Without you; I was no doubt able to sleep; inundating my withering bloodstream; with an unsurpassable battalion of profusely sedating drugs,

But try as hard as I could; I penuriously failed; every time I maneuvered my mind to fantasize; with each dream of mine transiting into nightmares more diabolical than what hell could be; stabbing me to a ghastly absolution .


Without you; I was no doubt able to march amidst overwhelmingly bustling crowds; trudging my insidiously lackluster countenance past them at snails pace,

But try as hard as I could; I irrevocably failed; every time I wanted to discerningly acknowledge; with the planet outside seeming a devastatingly crippled blur; eventually disappearing into the aisles of obsolete nothingness .


Without you; I was no doubt able to witness glorious sunlight shimmering on my dreary skin; as I lay curled like an aimless serpent; waiting to be treacherously squelched by all mankind,

But try as hard as I could; I immutably failed; every time I desired to enjoy the sensuous warmth; shivering in devastated submission; although it was now  well past mid-afternoon .


Without you; I was no doubt able to lackadaisically breathe; with an unsurpassable battalion of conventional equipment pricking each of my bleary nerve; a hostile fleet of antiseptic needle finding their way in; well beneath my ridiculously shriveled veins,

But try as hard as I could; I embarrassingly failed; every time I wanted to exuberantly soar; with the brilliantly shimmering world outside; transforming for me into a black wall; of despicably barbaric worthlessness .


And without you O! Beloved; I was no doubt pulsating with fragile heartbeats; taking fathomless gallons of air in my hopelessly punctured lungs; enshrouded with a boundless army of life support systems from all sides,

But try as hard as I could; I irrefutably failed; every time I wanted to love and live; embedding my entire visage deeper and deeper beneath my gory grave; with each unveiling instant of my artificially vibrant life .