You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 15 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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When truculent cloudbursts of rain pelted violently from crimson blankets of sky; treacherously flooding immaculately nimble earth with viciously stormy water,

And acrimonious rays of the devastatingly sweltering Sun; scorched everything blissful on the trajectory of this boundless Universe,

When demons ruled in uninhibited tandem; insidiously casting their spell of unsurpassably diabolical doom upon every cranny of this wonderful earth; that they satanically trespassed,

And uncouth avalanches of freezing ice; crushed countless innocent in their ferociously ghastly swirl,

Your mesmerizing voice was the only power O! priceless Beloved; that made me wholesomely oblivious to all sinister hell raining around me; profoundly drowning me into a world of exotically voluptuous enchantment and supreme peace .


When dungeons of hideously venomous scorpions ran in torrential frenzy; to spread inexplicably shivering terror; and savagely sting,

And barbarically horrific fires augmented to vindictive glory every unleashing minute; disastrously charring everything blissful; in natures bountiful vicinity,

When winds of bizarre nothingness profusely enveloped every harmonious dwelling; perpetuating fangs of doomsday in entities synergistically alive,

And lecherously tumultuous gutter waters; gushed in frenziedly; to drown immaculate children in their deadly swirl,

Your incomprehensibly enchanting smile was the only entrenchment O ! sacrosanct Beloved; that sequestered me impregnably in its charismatic waves; propelling me to take a countless more births once again; even as crippling debilitation cascaded gorily from every quarter of the sky .


When unsparingly ominous earthquakes rattled celestial civilizations like a pack of deteriorated matchsticks; mercilessly pulverizing even the most formidable of fortresses to juxtapose with raw ash,

And unfathomable battalions of lethally prejudiced snakes danced in uncanny excitement at midnight; asphyxiating boundless innocuous to death; under cold rays of the Moon;

When fathomlessly sprawling oceans of tangy water; ruthlessly evaporated to a capriciously inconspicuous globule of saw dust;

And an endless sky of heinously perilous vultures descended down; to pluck out robust flesh from bodies divinely alive,

Your heavenly eyes were the only rays O! Omniscient Beloved; that deluged each cranny of my impoverished life with Omnipotent light; an unparalleled optimism to emerge perpetually victorious in every philanthropic act of mine; even as jails of the devil had incarcerated one and all; alike .


When fireballs of breath seemed to be miserably dwindling from my body; every symbiotically blessed space around me; metamorphosing into a land of perennially stinking cowardice,

And an unfathomable barricade of hurdles confronted me in my way; triggering me to collapse countless kilometers beneath the ground; even before I commenced my holistically handsome walk;

When all food on this marvelously royal planet; transformed into threadbare chunks of ludicrously dumb stone,

And life on the majestically endowed sphere of land; was brutally tyrannized to gruesome submission; by abominably oppressed traitors of hell,

Your immortal love was the only gift O! divinely Beloved; which bonded my despicably trembling beats with the spirit to unflinchingly survive; take birth an infinite more times; as the ultimate harbinger of benign humanity .