You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 4 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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The Sun might slowly and slowly lose all its ferociously blazing rays; remorsefully withering behind the languid horizons; for times immemorial,


The stars might slowly and slowly lose all their scintillating shimmer; eventually appearing as nonchalantly lackadaisical stones in the firmament of fathomlessly barren sky,


The oceans might slowly and slowly lose all their ravishingly tangy salt; sullenly metamorphosing into boundless kilometers of corrugated dry rubble and

worthlessly invidious sand,


The deserts might slowly and slowly lose all their regally fascinating majesty; disdainfully transforming into obsolete mirages of derogatorily dilapidated



The mountains might slowly and slowly lose all their unconquerably shimmering peaks; being transited into capriciously fugitive dust; as ghastly earthquakes

tumultuously plundered them,


The roses might slowly and slowly lose all their enchantingly enamoring redolence; limply shedding all their bountifully burgeoning petals into a livid heap; for the wastrel parasites to devour,


The forests might slowly and slowly lose all their enigmatically jubilant trees; ludicrously shriveling into a cadaverously macabre heap; as the onslaught of

inclement drought austerely tightened its pugnacious grip,


The Moon might slowly and slowly lose all its resplendently milky shimmer; eventually succumbing like a diminutive mosquito; to the thunderously

diabolical conglomerate of obnoxiously grey clouds,


The soldier might slowly and slowly lose all his irrefutably dazzling integrity; uxoriously yieldingthe secrets of his motherland; in order to save his skin from hedonistically indescribable torture,


The nightingale might slowly and slowly lose all its astoundingly mellifluous charisma; pathetically plummeting into an eternal slumber out of sheer tiredness; even as the atmosphere outside died a billion times every minute; without its golden voice,


The mirror might slowly and slowly lose all its unequivocally righteous sparkle; shattering into an infinite pieces of grotesquely cacophonic distortion; at the slightest cry of the satanically rampaging devil,

The fortress might slowly and slowly lose all its invincibly Herculean strength; obnoxiously crumbling like a pack of frigidly lugubrious cards; as its foundations inexplicably gave away,


The sky might slowly and slowly lose all its beautifully iridescent effulgence; being horrifically adulterated by monotonously venomous spacecrafts and indiscriminately pulverizing missiles,


The bones might slowly and slowly lose all their unflinchingly altruistic tenacity; eventually falling a lame prey to the vagaries of the maliciously parasitic and ruthlessly conventional society,


The clocks might slowly and slowly lose all their meticulously fantastic essence of time; as the electric pace of maligned viciousness in the colossal planet today; insatiably overshadowed them with their bane,


The clouds might slowly and slowly lose all their voluptuously tantalizing moisture; dreadfully vanishing into the corpses of insipidly fretful meaninglessness; as the blanket of panoramically fructifying green disappeared from the trajectory of this fathomless Universe,


The conscience might slowly and slowly lose all its magnificently aristocratic armor of spell binding truth; to inevitably survive amidst the pack of vengefully marauding and manipulatively decrepit wolves,


The nostril might slowly and slowly lose all its vivaciously exuberant breath; with the graveyards of truculently penalizing death perniciously creeping in from every conceivable side,


But come what may; the doors of my passionately fulminating heart will always be open for you ; and even if I had to take an infinite births yet again; I will never lose even an evanescent iota of my patience; I will forever wait for you; you and till

the time you make me your breath; forever make me only you .