You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 4 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was infertile; not able to bear my innocuously blissful progeny till the time she existed,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was preposterously maimed; with her severely mutilated feet; not even able to move an infinitesimally ethereal inch ahead,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was cannibalistically non-vegetarian; excoriating apart through impeccable sheep and chicken; to mollify her rapaciously thunderous gluttony,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was disgustingly dumb; not able to transcend past the oundaries of junior school; even after an infinite attempts,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was surreptitiously criminal; malevolently coalescing with atrociously vulgar smugglers; to catapult to

unprecedentedly dizzy heights of stardom,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was stone deaf; not able to hear the most ferocious thunderballs of desperation emanating from her throat; wholesomely oblivious to the essence of sound,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was cold-bloodedly heartless; indiscriminately trampling over literally anything that came in her dogmatically tyrannical way,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was treacherously sullen faced; not culminating into the most ethereal of smile; even as the invincible mists of paradise were laid at her celestially nimble feet,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was obnoxiously prejudiced; salaciously trying to overtopple every entity beside her; to forever feel like the very best,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was horrifically cacophonic; shooing away even the most obsolete trace of life around her; the instant she opened her amorphously livid mouth,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she indefatigably hurled a gutter of invectives every unveiling second; at even the most holistic of entity for ostensibly no reason or rhyme,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she unceremoniously started to curse life; since the very first instant that she opened her snobbishly swollen eyes,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was egregiously enshrouded by a sea of disgruntling nonchalance; preferring to diabolically snore even in the most brilliantly fructifying of sunlight,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she smelt of acridly dilapidated feces all day and night; intractably refrained to take quintessential bath; as every other being in the civilization took,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she baselessly wailed every unfurling second; vicariously acted as if the entire planet castigated her with whiplashes of devilishness; while in actuality they perennially showered nothing buy symbiotic harmony,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she aimlessly loitered without the tiniest of mission in life; kept sky gazing for hours immemorial; while the rest of the planet galloped in unparalleled exuberance outside,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she sporadically broke into fits of maniacal depression and epilepsy sporadically; deliriously smashing even

the most costliest object around her in her bouts of irascibly uncontrollable anger,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she sadistically taunted me on even the most triumphantly blazing step that I took; dismissing me like a non-existent speck of tawdrily threadbare dust from the top drawers of her memory,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was as diminutive as a miserably slavering rat in stature; going always unnoticed in the pragmatic marketplace of sensuously burgeoning human beings,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she was morbidly blinded since the very first cry of her birth; not possessing the tenacity to alight even a single step; as the planet round her was nothing but a graveyard of heinously obfuscated darkness,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she her face was more hideously distorted than the cadaverously parasitic spirit; not a soul on this colossal Universe; could dare to come abreast of her demonically pulverizing countenance,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she snored more ferociously than an  ominously upbraiding panther; sordidly disrupting my every enchantingly celestial night; beyond the most unsurpassable limits,


I really wouldn’t mind it the slightest; even if she asphyxiated the very last breath out of my nimble body; just because I compassionately sequestered her from the most nefariously unbearable of maelstrom and torrential rain,


But I’d definitely commit suicide that very instant I knew she was flagrantly infidel; merrily flirting and cavorting with boundless men behind my back; after

wholeheartedly acknowledging that she loved none other but me on this fathomless planet; after bonding every beat of her heart; immortally with mine .