You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 5 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Even when the thought of leaving you for a mere 3 seconds in the day came to my mind; I dreadfully shivered; collapsing in utter nervousness on the obdurate ground,

And today you were blatantly telling me in my face; that you planned to leave me for 3 complete days; 3 complete nights.


Even when the thought of leaving you for a mere 3 seconds in the day came to my mind; I forgot to normally blink; stared unrelentingly into open space as if somebody had stabbed me in my chest; the entire world outside had come to an abrupt end,

And today you were blatantly telling me in my face; that you planned to leave me for 3 complete days; 3 complete nights.


Even when the thought of leaving you for a mere 3 seconds in the day came to my mind; I felt all hunger die a ghastly death in my stomach; with my body refusing all food and tepid water,

And today you were blatantly telling me in my face; that you planned to leave me for 3 complete days; 3 complete nights. 


Even when the thought of leaving you for a mere 3 seconds in the day came to my mind; the blood flowing through my veins froze midway; with the hair on my body standing up in unfathomable gloom,

And today you were blatantly telling me in my face; that you planned to leave me for 3 complete days; 3 complete nights.


Even when the thought of leaving you for a mere 3 seconds in the day came to my mind; my skull relinquished all memory; floundered to function harmoniously with the commercial world outside; wholesomely lost in the realms of your mesmerizing

fantasy; the compassionate moistness in your breath that used to flow when you were close by my side,

And today you were blatantly telling me in my face; that you planned to leave me for 3 complete days; 3 complete nights.


Even when the thought of leaving you for a mere 3 seconds in the day came to my mind; all words tumbled mumble-jumble from my mouth; with a severely debilitating coma crippling each corner of my brain; and my heart palpitating like a missile about to deafeningly explode,

And today you were blatantly telling me in my face; that you planned to leave me for 3 complete days; 3 complete nights. 


Even when the thought of leaving you for a mere 3seconds in the day came to my mind; my body started perspiring more than the most tumultuous of storm; an

ocean of tears welled up my eye; poured indefatigably beyond the most sagacious of my control; my soul went berserk with incomprehensible hysteria,

And today you were blatantly telling me in my face; that you planned to leave me for 3 complete days; 3 complete nights. 


Even when the thought of leaving you for a mere 3 seconds in the day came to my mind; my teeth started to inexorably clatter even in the most acerbic of Sunlight; infinite goose-bumps crept up on my palm in morbid exhilaration; everything outside my window seemed to be diabolical and profusely poisoned,

And today you were blatantly telling me in my face; that you planned to leave me for 3 complete days; 3 complete nights.


Even when the thought of leaving you for a mere 3 seconds in the day came to my mind; all my fantasies and dreams got buried boundless feet beneath the corpse; every part of me started to vehemently hate the society; with a feeling of assassinating every

entity traversing on this earth slowly creeping in my persona; as my bouts of boiling anger rose to the peak,

And today you were blatantly telling me in my face; that you planned to leave me for 3 complete days; 3 complete nights. 


Even when the thought of leaving you for a mere 3 seconds in the day came to my mind; I abdicated even the most tiniest of urge to live further; forcefully closed my eyes and breath to blend my heart and soul with the Omnipotent creator,

And today you were blatantly telling me in my face; that you planned to leave me for 3 complete days; 3 complete nights.