You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 5 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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Your love for me was not like the disloyally changing shape of the Moon; which blatantly metamorphosed its pearly body at the onset of every night,

Infact I have profound pride in stating; that it was like the resplendent blanket of shimmering stars which shone for countless decades; illuminating my gloomy

household with enchanting light.


Your love for me was not like the tumultuous storm; which devoured even the minutest of entity in its thunderous swirl,

Infact I have profound pride in stating; that it was like the delectable draught of wind; which arose every evening; mystically tingling the camouflage of dense leaves with its dainty charm and grace.


Your love for me was not like the poignantly burning candle; which diminished wholesomely; a few minutes after ferociously igniting into a ball of flames,

Infact I have profound pride in stating; that it was like the fire which burnt unrelentingly towards the sky; becoming more and more passionate as the pinnacle

of darkness encroached every space.


Your love for me was not like the swanky bottle of expensive scent; which started to rot away soon after initially flooding every bit of scorched atmosphere,

Infact I have profound pride in stating; that it was like the stupendously fragrant lotus; which spread its essence without distinction; captivated me for many births yet to unveil in the aura of its enigmatic redolence.


Your love for me was not like the callous bird mother; who deserted her children a few days after they had hatched from the egg; and after adeptly teaching them to fly high,

Infact I have profound pride in stating; that it was like the human mother; who harnessed and nourished her baby for marathon years even after he attained maturity; catered to the most inconspicuous of his demand till the time she found herself on her inevitable deathbed.


Your love for me was not like pelting drops of violent rain; which gave just momentary pleasure to my flesh and then left me dry and mourning as the blistering

Sun crept up in the sky,

Infact I have profound pride in stating that; it was like the colossal ocean with piquantly escalating waves; which provided warmth and rejuvenation to my dirty body; at the unleashing of dawn every morning.


Your love for me was not like a sleazy television commercial; which sent ravishing chills down my spine as the instant I viewed it; and then left me longing for more as the boring news came by,

Infact I have profound pride in stating that; it was like the mesmerizing fable that had an unprecedented impact on my destiny; bequeathed a moral to my life.


Your love for me was not like slippery granules of sand; which seductively caressed my skin for fraction of seconds; and then unavoidably trickled onto the boiling soil,

Infact I have profound pride in stating that; it was like the century old Banyan tree which had its roots firmly impregnated in ground; was almost invincible to dismantle even when the entire army tried to tear it down.


Your love for me was not like the swashbuckling aircraft which transported the passenger at electric speeds from one destination to another; made him feast

on the magnificent cocoon of white clouds as he sipped wine seated on the plush upholstery; before eventually leaving him to crawl miserably towards his destination

on naked feet,

Infact I have profound pride in stating that; it was like the divine fairy wandering in the cosmos; who inundated my senses every unfurling second with all the pleasure and fantasy that existed on this planet.


And your love for me was not like the throbbing heart which palpitated beyond the point of no control at one instant, and relinquished breath the other; abandoning

me in a condition of complete disbelief and disarray;

Infact I have profound pride in stating that; it was like the soul which was timeless; which would continue to live for unfathomable number of years even after the last entity on this earth had died; which strangulated me entirely in its perpetual grip; which gave my life a new beginning every time I felt I was dead.