You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 5 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my car; whizzed past the meandering slopes of the valley at roaring speeds; and blended profusely with the spirit of adventure,


It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my swanky perfume bottle; flooded your entire entity by prolifically sprinkling the same; basked in the aisles of unsurpassable fragrance that emanated as a ramification,


It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my shoes; audaciously clambered up the mountains; tightly fitting them to your nimble skinned soles,


It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my drum replete with glistening jewels; embellished your entire body with scintillating garments portraying them bombastically to the outside world,


It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my appetizing morsels of food; feasted on the same sipping delectable pints of red wine on the verdant slopes of the ecstatic waterfall,


It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my entire wardrobe of clothes; philandered through the rustic fields adorned in cowboy boots; audaciously brandishing your tomboyish attire,


It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my feather tipped pen; sketched exquisite shapes of the voluptuous stars lingering in the cosmos; emptied all the ink entrapped within to sign the bulky chequebooks,


It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my books; had a smashing time in browsing through the majestic ensemble of beautiful words; drowning yourself wholesomely into the tantalizing fantasy imprisoned within,


It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my colossal dwelling; leaving me scorched and dry on the streets to uncertainly weave my way around,


It didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my children; frolicked and enjoyed with them on the sea shores; while I brooded incessantly in moments of gruesome silence,


It didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my diamond studded sword; swished it violently around; pretentiously pretending to inhabit the royal throne,


It didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole by bushy beard and moustache; tossing my hair around in unprecedented glee; after plucking them from my skin furtively in the night,


It didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole every single penny of my wealth; absconded away with the gargantuan conglomerate of currency that I had perspired for all my life,


It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my entire fleet of teeth; adroitly removing them after injecting me with unfathomable doses of sedation; giving them as a special bone to your pet dog to relish and chew,


It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my fame; perfidiously bad mouthed about me to as far and wide as you possibly could in this world; trying to abysmally look me down in front of people whom I irrefutably revered and adored,


It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my infectious smile; whipping me indefatigably with your acerbic string of sardonic comments; made me cry by hurling at me abuses which I had never come across in the most wildest of my



It really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my ideals; inevitably compelling me to act against my own wishes; blackmailing me indiscriminately by exploiting my supremely sensitive points,


And it really didn’t matter to me the slightest; even if you stole my life; made me relinquish precious breathing; secretly poisoning the water I gulped; viciously adulterating my big tumbler of morning milk with snake venom,


As all these things were too trivial to bother me; for you had already committed a robbery even greater than this stealing my heart when you met me several years

ago; making me a slave of your immortal love;


And today whatever else you stole did not impact me the slightest; simply and miserably failed to bother me at all .