You Die; I Die - Love Poems - Part 6 by Nikhil Parekh - HTML preview

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If the broken wall ever had a tongue; the first thing it uttered; would be about the disdainfully inferior quality of cement used in its construction; that had

fomented it to crumble appallingly towards soil,


If the mercilessly chopped down tree ever had a tongue; then the first thing it uttered; would be about the barbaric humans; who ruthlessly cut it down to illuminate their every superficial night,


If the hazy river waters ever had a tongue; the first thing they uttered; would be about the tyrannically obnoxious industries; which polluted their heavenly persona profusely every unleashing second,


If the orphaned tooth ever had a tongue; the first thing it uttered; would be about diabolical monsters who had so uncouthly ripped it apart from the cozy realms of its masters mouth,


If the sands of the tumultuously blistering desert ever had a tongue; the first thing they uttered; would be about the horrendous life they were bestowed upon with; without the most minuscule droplet of sparkling water,


If the shattered petal ever had a tongue; the first thing it uttered; would be about the cowardly satanic way in which the flower shed it; when confronted with the

tiniest wind of storm,


If the pathetically deflated balloon ever had a tongue; the first thing it uttered; would be about its royally oligarchic times in the sky; the acrimonious bullet which pierced it through its protuberant belly; rendering it sadly into the corpse which it currently



If the overwhelmingly bashed egg ever had a tongue; the first thing it uttered; would be about the ominously wretched snake which stole it surreptitiously when its mother was fast asleep; splitting apart its nimble body into infinite halves,


If the rusty piece of jewelry ever had a tongue; the first thing it uttered; would be about its hideously vain mistress; who hurled it to rot in the sinister dungeons; meting out her insurmountable frustration on its impeccable demeanor,


If the disheveled rags of cloth ever had a tongue; the first thing they uttered; would be about the treacherous rioters who grappled them devilishly; disorienting them from their handsomely stoical posture,

If the brutally trampled whisker ever had a tongue; then the first thing it uttered; would be about its majestic times while embedded to the lion’s snout; the nonchalant way in which it had fallen on the ground; when the beast was thunderously snoring,


If the bone lying morbidly in the interiors of the obsolete castle ever had a tongue; the first thing it uttered; would be about the robust body of the prince it once upon a time inhabited; the gory moment when its master breathed his very last; to leave it

decaying even centuries after his death,


If the disastrously melting mountains of ice-cream ever had a tongue; the first thing they uttered; would be about the acerbically dictatorial rays of the Sun which had compelled them to completely loose their identity,


If the dismally corroded mouse-trap ever had a tongue; the first thing it uttered; would be about how much it abhorred imprisoning filthily stinking mice; how much

it desired to be placed in flamboyantly dazzling sunshine,


If the sleazily colored bundles of cotton ever had a tongue; the first thing they uttered; would be about the unfathomably commercial farmer; plucking them

indiscriminately from their immaculate buds; selling them at a price when infact they were priceless,


If the blanket of grass blades ever had a tongue; the first thing they uttered; would be about the demons transgressing indefatigably on their voluptuous carpet; pulverizing their silken softness with indigenous feet,


If the splattered splinters of glass lying forlorn on the floor ever had a tongue; the first thing they uttered; would be about the pertinently irascible hordes of children; who had made them taste dust; with their obdurate cricket balls,


If the solitarily wandering soul ever had a tongue; the first thing it uttered; would be about the inexplicable agony it was besieged with; the utter helplessness that it was thoroughly engulfed with; when it simply couldn’t help its loved ones in distress,


And if the broken heart ever had a tongue; the first thing it uttered; would be about how much it craved to be loved; how much it craved for that immortal love in

its life once again; which it unfortunately couldn’t get .